Thursday, January 06, 2005


Didnt edit this. I will later. Tired as hell. This is a recap of yesterday, as seen through my eyes.

Theres so many things i want to take out of here, but I am too lazy. After sleep.

Here we go.

Where to start. Ah yes, yesterday after school. I had to rush home to drive to an appointment. My mom lets me drive more often now because she is lazy, no problem, I have no problem with it. It was just that one day, I shouldn’t have been driving. On the way there, was fine, minus the absence of parking spaces. I had to freaken steal parking from the eye examination center across the street. We walk back to the building, and theres this jackass with one of those windowless pedophile vans parked horizontally across three spaces. Bastard. He was just sitting in his car too. Oh, right when we arrive, a car leaves their space too. Son of a Bitch. So I go get the car to move it. If we left it there, it would’ve been towed. I come back, the space is fucking taken by some shitbox Toyota? Honda? One of those two. So I put the car back, and we go in.

On the way back. Now I am normally a safe driver, never do anything stupid. Always go the speed limit and stuff. Today? Fat chance. The doctor had pissed me off beyond any point of where I could control my driving style. So here I am, speeding along. 80-85km/h down Lawrence. Some fucker is tailgating me. About 2 Meters behind me, probably more because objects in mirror are closer than they appear. I am not going to put up with this shit. Lets see how good his reflexes are. Red light in front of me, car in front of me slows down. I delay my braking a bit, tailgating bastard still fucking my cars bumper. Then I slam the brakes down harder than I would, jerking the car, scaring the complete shit out of that freak behind me. He switches lanes. I slow down, stop, all good.

Me – 1 Tailgater – 0

That guy didn’t know what the fuck. And of course, I get the rant from my mother about me being a stupid shit-head again, how I’m never driving again, how they are glad they wouldn’t let me get driving lessons. That’s fucking retarded. If I had driving lessons, I would know not to do stupid shit like that. So now I’m even madder. I pass highland farms going 80 (+-10) and we smell skunk. Great, another obstacle to avoid. I look, don’t see it. I heard a thump but didn’t think anything of it. Big mistake. Fucking roadkill gets stuck to the under-carriage of the car, and I drag it all the way home in a happy hayride to the depths of my garage where It fucking stunk up the place. Man was that a bitch to clean up. If you can hear me Mr. Skunkington (I named him ^_^), in the better place you are supposedly in. I am sorry for dragging your stinking rotting carcass 1 kilometer across the street but next time, try not to get killed in the first place.

Back home. I go on MSN, Durwyn has an urgent message! The fucking chem project, which was due on January 10, is now due, you guessed it, tomorrow. Fuck. I havn’t even started. So I get to doing my part, in between reading of course. I finally get it done, and oh yea, before I continue.

The Mac in the comp lab pissed me off. I hooked up my iPod to it to see if I could play songs through it, goddamnit. It erased all my songs. So I had to fix it when I got home, wasted some of my chem. Time. Anyways, The chem was done, except for the model. Talked to my partners. Durwyn was doing the powerpoint and his part. Prasanth was busy with his part. Bill was done, I asked him if he could help me with the model since the parts are at my house. This was freaken 9:15. Bill is in markham. Nevertheless, he came to help, and for that Bill, I salute you.

And now the crazy adventures of (insert cheesy series name here). Bill arrives around 10:30, we look at the stuff we got. Not much, but it’ll do for the model. Then, a much larger problem presents itself. We. Don’t. Have. Fucking. Paint. Shit. We spend an hour talking to people, arranging paint pickups and the like and finally, at 11:40, we get into his van to go pickup the paint. Mark was outside my house (WTF? Stalker?). He gives us some brown housepaint. And…some stuff but we don’t want to talk about that. One of the discs were for durwyn. The gay Indian goth porn that he ordered. So I had to put that into his mailbox. Okay. Bill drives to durwyns house. Sure enough, theres the paint on his doorstep. Thanks durs, except, YOU DON’T HAVE A MAILBOX. So I had to give it to you tomorrow. Next stop, su-gars for more paint. Nope closed. Damn communists. Then, a nice drive to Dominian. No paint, only food coloring, might’ve worked. These two ladies in the parking lot looked at us as if we were going to stab them and take their car. Oh No! I want to kill you for your OLDESMOBILE. Go to hell, ladies. The asian gang is NOT going to kill you tonight. You’ll probably die of old age tomorrow anyways. Think twice before giving the racist hate stare.

Inside dominion. The lady says that the Home Depot is open till 12. Okay. Its 11:55. We can make it! Not. We arrive at 12:02 after a crazy drive on the 401. The… Haha… The fucking thing closed at 10. HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. Stupid woman at the dominion. Wasted our time. So we decide to get more paint from bills house… in markham. 15 min drive or so. Upon leaving the parking lot. We are behind this red shitbox that’s waiting to make a left turn. No problem, except she wouldn’t move. There was NO NIL NEIN NYET cars coming in both directions, and she waited a freaking minute. When we finally do make the turn, bill pulls alongside her and gives her the bird and yells FUCK YOU!!!!. Then we drive off. We get the paint from bills house, and 2 DVDs. We get back into the car, and hello, I have a call. Its my mother. The gist of the conversation was:

-Where the fuck are you?
-Do you know what time it is?
-Are you dead in a ditch?
-When are you getting back?

I swear, I have no trust or freedom. We are driving back, at 12:30 through the open country behind the zoo. No lights. No cars. Freaky. I would HATE to be trapped there. Imagine being drunk and thrown out of a car there. Ouch. You’d piss yourself. Not because its scary, cuz you probably drank too much, am I right? Anyways, we get back around 1. We paint the things. And wait for them to dry. It was 3:30 before we are able to put it together. Finally around 4:30 its done and we can go to sleep. God. I went upstairs, Bill stayed in the basement, if prasanth were to get any ideas. 2 hours sleep. We were zombies today. I didn’t feel like writing notes in calc, so I just drew on my page, and wrote down lines to make it look like I was working. Chemistry, fucked up the quiz, AND WE DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO PRESENT TO DAY. DAMNIT ALL THAT WORK FOR NOTHING!!!!.

Heads are going to roll. As you can see, my grammer and spelling is getting weaker at the end of this blog, cuz im so tired I am going to sleep goodnight.

____________________________________Sign for OK

PS. I missed a few things, update tomorrow.

1 comment:

prasanth said...

and the jist oh this whole post issss, chris stayed up all night doing CHEMISTRY with bill. i have no questions.