Sunday, May 31, 2009

honey honey

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

god damnit

I always have something to write about. Something in my mind, something I think about when I'm on the subway, or laying on the bed, or taking a god damn crap, but as soon I get here, all that feeling of wanting to write something is gone, like I shit it out in the toilet. On a totally unrelated note, if you're thinking about just moving the kleenex box from your room to the car 'cuz your too lazy to just buy one for the car, don't. You'll thank me when you have a sudden explosive sneeze and aren't flippin' out looking for god damn tissue paper. I also added my playlist from on the side. That prolly just increased the load time by like10 seconds, but it was totally worth it.