Monday, January 31, 2005

Outsourcing. And my friday.

Since today is sort of a serious talk, I will write it as if I was suffering from severe ADHD and paranoia.

Today I am going to talk about outsourcing. Because of outsourcing, many of the jobs here in Canada are being sent to Asia or the Middle East to be completed. Oh shit. I am really starting to have doubts about my future career path. I have decided today, that I will be taking another year at Mowat (or most likely a semestered school), to take some extra courses. Even though I just wasted 400 dollars on my application, I feel confident in my choice and I can make back that money easily.

I also intend to spend most of next year with a part-time job and maybe do some travelling, since my parents just cancelled our summer trip to China, Japan, and HK. Fuck.

I don't like vodka for two main reasons. One, it tast... Oh fuck this I am not in the mood to write this shit anymore. My valentines plans just got messed up. Bah. Always me. So I'm sitting here wondering how to convince my parents to let me to to the protest on saturday. I also have to go to the new year dinner that night so its a tight schedule. Protest you ask? Well, I'll tell you.

This saturday, at 1pm, we from somethingawful are going to stage a protest (propest/fauxtest) downtown. We notice that people have been speaking out for the pitbull ban by protesting, so we decided to protest with them. Although we will be targeting small dogs. The corky, chiuhuahua, and terrier won't know what the fuck. If you are downtown by the Eaton Center this saturday (febuary 5), look for protesters with big signs similar to (JESUS HATES YOUR TERRIER) or (CHIUHUAHUAS TOUCH YOUR CHILDREN) and come out to support us. I hope we are featured in the news :D.

Oh yea. Last friday was pretty fun. We had the chemistry exam (haha i got an 80 on it), I thought it was pretty brutal, but despite the fact that I didn't study much, it went well. Then after that, me and bill went to the beach. The whole thing was frozen over and we climbed all over the ice, which started to crack. We threw some rocks over the water which made these strange noises as they slid. Oh yea, I had my camera so we took some great pictures.

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After that, I went home for a nap and then it was time for the semi-formal. A very good friend of mine invited me to her semi on the 28th and I was looking forward to it for the past two weeks. Her friend invited bill to go, since we all know eachother. I hate myself for being dead tired that day, and im not used to wearing suits. She looked great in her dress tho :D. (i would use something better than great, but my brain is scrambled from this fever) And thats all the details you're getting.

I did manage to get a few pictures, but me being an idiot, I only had two good ones. Bill with his date, and all of ours together. However at the dinner before, we had individual couple pictures. Maybe ill try to get a few of those. Bill wasnt there tho. Bill can upload his picture if he wants, but Im gonna leave mine off since I already overloaded imageshack with those 5 images haha.
There was an afterparty, but I couldn't go because of the stupid subway and its closing hours. I'm killing myself for not going.

That was one of the greatest nights of my life. I think I'm... nevermind, for me to know and for you all to... not know. Or does bill know... I'll have to kill him.

Anyway, I wonder what kind of car dan is getting. Hes replacing his pathfinder with either a Jetta 1.8T, A 1999 Nissan Maxima, or a Acura 1.6EL. I hope he goes for the maxima, since hes been talking a lot about it recently. 5-Speed and his sound equipment in that maxima, sounds like a good summer ahead. Its a lot safer too. His pathfinder slid alot when we left the parking lot at Mowat going 80. The maxima has a front-wheel drivetrain, more stable.

What else... Ah, I think thats it. I can always edit. Oh yea, pv is giving me admin capabilities. Youre all in for a great ride. 2 spares in the morning tmorrow. Suckas.

Tired. Not bothering to edit. If anything sounds bad, I probably didnt think while writing it.

canadian idol

Me and my friends are planning to try out for Canadian Idol this year. Everyone! Well we're all going just for jokes, cept Bond. Jason wants to sing Get Down by the Backstreet Boys and then give that Canadian Simon guy the finger. Oh here's a picture of what Kent might look like as he's singing. Oh man this will be great.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005

hard to get

if your not sure to take a chance or not...TAKE IT. don't be late, 'cause once you miss it you'll be kicking your own ass.


Meh, not to exciting for you people, but I follow this series pretty closely so for me its something to look forward to.
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I will post pics from friday, as soon as I get off my lazy ass. And format them to the right size so pv doesnt go bananas. Rotten Brown Bananas.
I'm out.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Henry's Drugs

i was in the washroom today, yes. my dad put up a new mirror, IT OPENS! i never knew, thought i broke it. anyway this post is not about the mirror, but what i saw on the mirror! Henry's Drugs 2005 CALENDER! sure, to you it may be just a calender, but to me, it's a symbolic of Henry's Drugs! For he reminds. Countless times I've been given a heads-up on approching bdays thanks to the outrageously early bday cards he sends out. That old man rocks. I should find out his bday and send a card 2 weeks in advance. my mom once asked him, he giggled and wouldn't tell, what a bastard. i think it's a father and son business. they also have this cool blood pressure measuring machine, when i was little i tried it, got freaked out when it started to sqeeze my arm, thought it was going to explode. but of course i didn't show it, =D, I would have a normal look on the face, while in my head im like: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!!?! MY HAND GOING TO EXPLODE!! STOP YOU STUPID THING, STOP!! WHY DID I TRY IT?!! KKK LOOK CALM!, PEOPLE LOOKIN...WHERE THE FUCK IS THE POWER BUTTON?!!? IS THAT THE POWER BUTTON!?! DID I BREAK IT?!! WILL THIS THING BE STUCK TO ME FOREVER?!!! AHHHHHHHH!" See it's all about staying calm...or atleast looking like your calm. after that incidient, i never tryed any demos in drug stores. not even those cool chairs. :(

ohohho one more thing

i have finally met a girl who is more evil then me. she outsmarts me and floods me with sarcasm. i am shocked at how much i get caught in her dinky traps. im getting old =__=. now i know andrew is thinking "umm it's not very hard to outsmart pv, and i like gay evanescence", well to you andrew, my evanescence loving friend, i say "electronegativity". she's like that evil bunny, but it looks cute, but it's so god damn evil. oh here 's the bastard:
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yep, thats her.

don't read this, now u will, now you won't .

shit im tired. tmrs the last exam..or is it today? wtf is the time? Chemistry. I'm so tired, this Red Bull does nothing, well it keeps me up, but I feel like shit. Errr and I'm starting to question everything, like... hey why am I posting ehre? omfg thats a funny way of spelling "here", not going to bother fixint that. we lass makk mistakes, thats how we learn right? thats corny. mistakes...mistakes aren't really mistakes...they're just different. ok now thats retarded. yeah fuck you im going to make mistakes! i didn't mean that "fuck you", i never do. hey, i think all that caffine is kicking in on this post. plus winamp, mostly winamp. music influences me too much. i should really learn an instrument in my life time. i wonder what i'll be in my next life time? im hindu, and being so i guess im suppose to think i could be anything, even a spider, XD. that won't be too bad, short life + no exams. i wonder if i'll be born in like the 1800's or like the 1400's. or hell, what about like the 67th century. i wonder how life would be in t... ok im going to stop here, my thoughts don't make sense.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

surprise visit leads to new PV computing standard.

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Just the other day Drew and his sister payed a surprise visit to my place. I thought they were just coming to pick up a CD, not actally in my room, so I didn't bother cleaning up the place. Nope, I was wrong. But, ironcally instead of dirty clothes lying around, there were clean ones, that my mom just washed, but I didn't bother putting away yet. That and the odd pairs of socks and boxers laying around. I don't think she noticed. :D My mom always warned me, about having sudden guests over and that I wouldn't be able to clean up my room in time and would be embarrassed; I would always shrug it off, saying, "Yeah right". She walks around with a giant grin on her face now. >=(

That wasn't my main concern though. Drew's sis WENT ON
MY COMPUTER! I was so distracted while Drew was talking to me, cause she was roaming around unmapped areas on my computer. Since the damn thing is 100% mine, plus 99.9% of the time it's just me using it, I have a tendency to place whatever (PORN!) anywhere. I try to keep it all in one place, but lately my computer reflects my room aswell, ALL OVER THE PLACE! (no you morons, that doesn't mean I have porn all over the place in my room) So tonight, I got underway in bringing my computer up to code. After reading about Evangelion during my breaks, I've decided to name my new standard after a protocol used in Evangelion, did I mention that I really really like Evangelion? Anyway, so the standard will be called the "601 Standard". After standardized, even little kids will be able to roam safely in it, though, it's highly unlikely any little bastard would be able to access my computer, let alone get in my room. Umm where can I put everything? Make some hidden folder called "PORN" and put decoy in there, and then find some place boring like folder "srchasst" and dump everything in there. Damnit, Chris' solution so simple; stash it in your 20gig iPod, that bastard. Umm, maybe I should rent space, LOL; well I found that funny. I'm sure Ronny did too.
Ok I think i'm done, my computer is offically 601 compliant. Good thing Drew's sis didn't find anything before, frankly I'm friggin surprised she didn't. I mean whoa shit, five minutes in... Okays, I going to eat.

"I'm no monster, I'm a hero."

yeah, i didn't play with fottoshop for awhile, so had too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Eye Talk!! ^_^ to--> O.O

Oh Japan, what next? What next.

Gotta admit tho, she looks WAY better after.

I can't find my "ID HIT IT!!" macro image, so just pretend I put it here.

Edit (5pm Tuesday): Found it.

Monday, January 24, 2005

good bye millenium

when musics were actually good.. instead of crap
when life was nice, instead of stressful
when nothing matter at all, and your mind is free
when economics were good, and people weren't jumping out buildings everyday
when the air is fresh, and you don't get cancer from breathing
when technology havn't taken over our lives
when it wasn't impossible to get into university, and jobs are easier to get
when university tuitions is low enough for a student to afford
when life wasn't just about competition..

welcome back to early 90s


I had to go buy a fucking suit today for friday. This is where it began.

I remember, a long time ago I used to be so carefree, no worries or anything, just living it up. I can't really say things have stayed the same. Everything is such a burden now. I am constantly tired, and If left alone for the slightest second, I will fall asleep. Theres a cloud above my head. Its shaped into letters spelling out "University." The cloud carries a knife and chains. It talks to me. It says it can't wait to chain me to a stone labelled responsibility. And sever any memory of fun I've ever had in my life.

So what if I go to University. Sure, I put a great fucking effort to get in. I raised my average 10-15 percent already just to give up 30 thousand dollars and all my freedom for the next 8 years. These fucking 9 years will make or break how I spend the rest of my life. But I'm so lazy. Its 3 am.

I'm tired but I can't sleep. I have to treasure every second of freedom I have. However its a double edged blade. Tomorrow, I am going to be so fucked up tired, I won't be able to study and I'll be even more miserable. So I sleep. Then I wake up feeling I've wasted another day, and cant focus. Repeat. My family expects too much of me. I'm a procrastinator and can't finish shit. I have roughly 10 unfinished projects I have worked on that ended up in failure. Have you seen my eyes lately? When I'm in a normal state, I don't need those fucking glasses. Add stress and lack of sleep, my eyes fuck up and everything goes blurry. EVERYTHING. Today I walked into a door. I thought it was open.

I walk into a lot of things. I end up falling into some trap and I can't get out. I have no idea how this world works. Someone wants to meet up with me. Hesitate. Hesitate. BYE. The opportunity is gone.

I am worthless. I am unskilled. I say I am a lot of things that I am not. Im a fucking ugly piece of shit that should've died a long time ago.

I just swallowed this bottle of toxic shit I found downstairs. I'm not afraid. I hope you all have a great life, and come to your senses as quick as possible.

If this is where I say I love you I still won't say it. God I am so fucked up.

3:30am, January 24, 2005.
Christopher Michael Lee-Shanok

Bah. I am so bored. Prasanth, Dont remove these spaces, adds to the comedy.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

cartoon friends

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I drew this in grade 6. It's like a cartoon version of my friends. Yeah shut up I used to draw peoples eyes like boobs.

SNL Weekend update

POEHLER: Do you think the NHL will be able to regain popularity after a year off?
BRETT HULL: I think so. I mean, with the basketball riots, the steroids in baseball, I think hockey is looking classier all the time.
POEHLER: Brett, you're Canadian. What do you think of this new gay marriage law passing in Canada?
BRETT HULL: Well, that's what happens in Canada when there's no hockey. Guys have more time to hang out, talk about their feelings, next thing you know they're in love with each other. I've got nothing against it, but I'd rather be playing hockey.
POEHLER: You heard it hear first folks: Brett Hull would rather play hockey than marry a dude.


FEY: Now, you've been wearing a lot of low-cut blouses...
LOHAN: Tina, nobody says 'blouses.'
FEY: Fine. Low-cut tops. Whatever the kids say. So now I'm gonna ask you one more time. Are those things real?
LOHAN: Oh my god, yes!
FEY: Because when people ask me if they're real, I always tell them yes, and I would hate for you to be making a liar out of me, Lindsay.
POEHLER: Cause people ask us - a lot.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

my negative post

I miss work. this is very boring just sitting here and studying physics, what the hell is wrong with Heath? how can he do this "for fun"?? Scarborough sucks balls aswell, nothing to do in this frozen hell hole. im moving my ass back as soon as i can. i miss downtown too. hey! that reminds me, Heath said he was moving, lol, i hope it wasn't today. lots of snow today. if i digital camera i could show you how it looks, i don't so use your imagination.

i feel secure

I finally have a plan for my future. It's just in the starting stages, but yepp's a plan! I've thought alot about my future this week, I think more then I have ever thought of it before. Esssh, I'm so last minute.

Funny though. This whole week's been about people giving me advice and lectures. Funniest was from my dad and my boss. When me and my dad were talking about the damn cold weather, he said there are three things that start with a "W" we can never be too sure about, "weather, work and women", but he quickly changed that to wife when my mom walked in, which was funny. Then my boss, such a nice guy. He lectured me about life and how it gets harder as you grow old. He started from school work and somehow got too about wife problems, :S ?? Anyway it was funny though, he gave me a break, for me to decide if I really needed to quit. Umm, kinda reminds me of what Ms. Bakash told me last year, "the only thing you can be sure about life is death", is that some kind of a paradox? Fucking confusing.

Bond's party was great! I'm going to make a separate post on that when I get some pics. It was exactly what I needed, surrounded by my brothers from different mothers, LOL. Oh and not to mention the chicks >=D, mostly the chicks. I was sparring with Alex and Kent, Tai Chi, and now my abs feel stiff. Alex teaches it, his dad owns a school. So freaking hard to push that guy down I sware, 6__6;;. Do not eat and spar. K' I'm off too bed, tiredddddddd. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


If you need a good laugh or two... or three check this out. Watch it a few times. It one of the rare videos that gets funnier after every watch.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

yeah, about that

Apparently I'm underage.....that was the only issue they had with us for not getting it. Well I think we have a bit more now. PENIS-ENVY!!!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Okay, lets get a few things straight.

Dear Internet and blogging friends,

We have to cut out the obscene posts. I know I know, I account for over half of them, but we together must stop them if we want to.. *ahem* qualify for ad revenue. I for one will do my best to cut all this bu-- oh i cant say that. I basically am going to stop for a while, and welcome our new Google overlords.

I believe that our struggle here today for Der Fuhrehr (Google) will be a new beginning for this blog, for we all know what has to be done. The cleansing of the blog will require us to no longer make references to "boobies", "ass", and the equivalent. It will be a better place. We then will assemble our masses, and spread the cleansing throughout blogger, even into the vast corners of Livejournal, Xanga and that other really filthy blog... was it Poblogland? Anyway, we all know what has to be done, for it is our struggle.

We must let our cause be known to all others. Der Fuhrehr is counting on us to strike against the eastern and western blogs. A catchphrase would send a strong message to the weaker ones. How about "SIEG HEIL"? Its catchy and literally means victory something. We can even wear red armbands with the google logo on it, and have silver medalians of eagles on our hats.

We all know what must be done.
Heil Google,


shot downnn, "penis-envy", and Stewie is a homosexual

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I tried busting a move on someone yesterday, lol. Yeah thats right, me Prasanth (6_6), tired to bust a move! And what happened? SHOT DOWNNNN, but it was alright. I mean for the first couple of secs I felt a bit disoriented, but soon after I was feeling just as great as I was before. I actually feel better now, like a weight has been lifted. Maybe I'll try again later, way way way later. Till then I'm still going to have that dumbass grin on my face. >=D kinda like that, but more awssomer(?). I'm learning more and more.

Anyway, I signed up for Google Adsense, so I can place ads on this site and maybe earn a living. They're going to check this site soon, lol. The most recent stuff is about boobies and killing and stealing....not looking good. (6__6) I wonder if people actually look, or they use spiders. Speaking of spiders I was reading Mark's notebook today. He's taking Human Development, a course I should have taken. *Sigh* If I took courses that I liked, I'd be doing so much better in school, fucking society. Oh there I go again with the fucks, I wonder if the spider does fuck counts. Anyway, so I was reading about theories Mr. Sigmund Freud developed, OMG so interesting (sarcasm). I'll quickly type down what I read.
Apparently little baby boys want to kill (or atleast get rid off) their father's and marry their mother's, which I think was called the Oedipus compound. Named after the Greek god Oedipus (surprize, surprize) who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. Why you ask? 'Cause we're afraid of our fathers, theres more, but I only read it once.

Now for girls it's a bit more interesting. At they're small age they feel weak compared to they're male counter-parts, who have penises. Wow say that, "penises", thats like the first time I said that. Kk, focus focus, back to Freud. So girls develop something Freud called "penis-envy", and they start to believe that the only way they could, how do I say this, "fill the gap" of no penis, is with a baby. So basically, females start to dislike they're mothers for they, one, have no penis themselves, and two, created them with none either, so major penis-envy going on there. Girls want they're father, screw the mother, father has a penis! So to sum it up, girls want they're father because he has a penis and therefore can impregnate her, THUS, filling her "gap". Oh yeah, this is called the Electra compound, also named after a Greek something, a goddess this time. I forget her story. I don't think she kill her mom and married her daddy, though I'm sure she wanted SOMEONE dead. Humm did I mention I also like Greek Mythology? If your curious Google it! Here let me take the first step you lazy bastards (*cough* Ronny). Click4knowledge!

Oh yeah, lastly know that this all takes place in the subconscious, so lol, kid's don't actually go around planning how to murder their parents, and that this is all off my memory, so excuse me if I'm horribly mistaken. Also eventually we all grow "out of it", I don't want to get into that. Do I believe this? Actually, I do, I just can't explain why. It does explain sexism and Stewie Griffin, the toddler from Family Guy. I mean we all have seen how Stewie keeps trying to kill Lois, his own mother. Though it's opposite from the
Oedipus compound, and is much more like the Electra compound, it only further goes to explain that episode where Stewie is dancing topless in a gay nightclub yelling "I KNOW THE GUY WHO OWNS THIS PLACCEE!". So there you go, Stewie is a homosexual and wants his mom dead so he can marry is dad!?! Hell yeah! IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING! See, it's stuff like this I find interesting, not fucking Algabra or some bastard who sat under a tree and thought about how he can piss me off.
Shit, If they do use a spider to check this site. I just said penis alot of times + homosexual + fuck. I'm ssooooo not getting those ads.

Chris questions about the shooter.
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Friday, January 14, 2005

Oh God... I am so fucked.

This night went TOTALLY FUCKING WRONG. All I wanted to do was get a fucking pepsi and chips from that store. I walked in, got the items from the shelf, walked to the register to pay with it. The keep seemed freaked out. I saw a hazy reflection in the mirror behind the counter. I turned around slowly... there was this guy there with a fucking gun and a threatening look on his face. I... I didn't know what to do. He...killed the shopkeeper with no emotion and demanded my fucking wallet. The words hit me like cement. I didnt waste time digging into my pocket to give it to him... All the time I couldnt stop thinking of what happened if he killed me too. Flashbacks filled my head, the obligatory "second that felt like an eternity." I felt my favorite pencil there in my pocket. I realized I had only one chance. It was the stupidest thing I've ever done and regret it to this day, I could've been killed. I stabbed him in the neck. Deep. His hand slipped off his pistol, and it went off, grazing my shoulder. The pain was incredible. I was in a daze, I picked up the discarded weapon and trembling, fired it into his back. All under three seconds. He breathed his last breath. I stood there for several minutes in a daze, trying to recount what the fuck just happened as a pool of life formed at my shoes. There was only one thing to do.

I stole the security tapes, hauled the man back to his pickup, started it up and took it to the lake. I pulled the figure out, blood stained the back of the seats a darkish purple color. A color I hope to never see again. I had to get rid of the body. Between sobs and gasps for air, I began to hack his body into pieces. The head wouldn't separate without a fight, I had to use the shovel in the back of the truck several times. It was hard to grip the shovel with tears making it hard to hold, I didn't know what to do. I dug individual holes for all the limbs... And.. I buried them on the beach in the evening moonlight. I started up the truck, and drove it into the water, watching it sink further and further. I ran all the way home, without pausing for breath. I lay on my bed, spaced out. The incredible pain of what I had done haunted me for hours. I...I stole a pepsi and doritos from that store.

Oh god... I have never stolen before. I am such a terrible person. Perhaps, after they clean up that incredible mess outside the convenience store, I will return to pay them properly. I feel like shit... The memories of the pepsi and doritos will haunt my dreams for the rest of my life. I'm a thief and I don't deserve to live.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

nice picture

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I was scanning for chris, found this. Suppose to have scanned this LONG time ago. I like it alot, so..symbolic. Kudos to the photographer.

the smell of rain BOOBIES!!

As anyone noticed the smell? Like right before it rains, or during. It's that kinda...let me go sniff again brb....WAIT FORGET THE FUCKING RAIN!! BOOBIES!!! BOOOOOOOOOBBBIEEESSS. OMFG Horrible horrible If Durwyn saw what I just saw he would go into a coma! Whoa, sorry excuse me, kinda of an outburst there. Let me explain myself, I was innocently walking to the front door to smell the rain when I noticed the t.v was on. It was some damn Bollywood movie, and in those damn movies they have do I explain this to you people....remember how in Lion King they just suddenly start singing? Yeah well in Bollywood movies they do the same thing. Usually to express sadness or happyness or take shortcuts, or even like this one, SEXXXXXXX!!, well not exactly, butt pretty damn close! Kinkkkyyyyy!! Yeah movies these days are not pg13 I sware, not like the days when actors wouldn't even kiss each other, ridiculous. Anyway, so yeah, WHOA BOOBS! I mean honestly, wow. *cough* The actrice were doing this really stupid, yet very provoative dance. They had all the usual shit, like crazy giant fan which makes her hair fly back as if she's on top of those Japanese bullet trains. I didn't really catch what they were saying, 1) I can't really understand my own language to begin with, 2) WTF?!, but it seemed pretty naugty though. Wow, I can't believe I said I didn't like watching these movies. I still don't... it will take more then JUST BOOBS to get me to start watching this repedative crap again! Okay, im not a prevert, nor do I prefer only E-cup, but that do I say...better then the smell of rain! Smell of rain? Wtf was I smoking?

Monday, January 10, 2005

smile smile smile

I have a very important decision to make tomorrow. Will I quit, or will I stay? When it comes to making decisions for myself I'm pretty friggin bad. I mean, I can't even buy clothes for myself, last time I went shopping Ronny picked what I should buy. He even gave me advice, like, "Usually the darker color is your pants, not your shirt". Yeah so today I asked people, what should I do? Well Fatima got all philosophical on me, but I got what she was trying to say. My school should be my top priority. How ironic, just couple of days ago I was having this giant conversation with Ms. Mahailia about prioritzing my life. I really do like working there, and the people, even the mop. It's cozy. Then I have school, my feature. Fuck. Fucking me, i brought this on myself. If I didn't have to take night school I could still manage.

I fear thats not my only reason to stay though. I'm starting to like this girl. Arr what a dumb reason to stay...OR IS IT? I mean what if?? How will I know? Er, but she's older then me, do I even have a chance? Should I leave, before I come too attached? or stay, and explore. Pathetic aren't I? I never thought I'd be the type of person to have to make a decision like this. Maybe I'm better off not finding out, I already have so many regrets, would it make a difference if I have one more? So many things are running through my head.

fuck fuck fuck! Women are trouble.

WOw i never thought i'd post about something like this.
Oh and if Bill's reading this, no you fucking moron it's not shelley.

Title Removed

Removed due to complaint.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

black nail polish & ronny's matrix phone

Today I was searching for black nail polish for Philip for Mai's bb-day present. The extra "b" is for belated =D. Anyway so I decide to ask the bitch in shoppers drug mart and she gives me a condescending look and says "No, we dont sell that here". So I left, but couldn't find it anywhere else. Philip found it later though, at "Sephora". Cost like 8 something, but thats okay cuz it came with a little pouch, WHICH WAS GOLD! whhooaaa. It's nice buying stuff for others. Oh shit I forgot to look for Fatima's waxing stripes. Hahahah oops.

Anyway Ronny got a new cell phone. He call's it the "matrix phone", and every time he call's someone he says "I need an exit" instead of "Hello". I'm going to slap him and step on that damn phone....annnd upgrade my 32 and beat his rocket car. K, now I need to focus on math.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Good ol' Gates

The moment will never be forgotten. It was only a few years ago when Bill Gates was introducing the new Plug-and-Play features of the Windows 98 operating system that the computer crashed while an assistant was attaching a scanner.

This time the location was the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, and the crash happened during Wednesday's keynote address. Bill Gates was demonstrating a new Nikon camera with a WinXP Media Center Edition PC when the computer simply stopped responding. Adding insult to injury, the "Blue Screen of Death" appeared later in the presentation when a product manager was demonstrating the video game Forza Motor Sport, expected to be available in April.

The speech was set up as a mock episode of Conan O'Brien's Late Night show, which included a stand-up routine by O'Brien and Bill Gates standing in as the show's guest. As the crash happened, in perfect Conan-fashion O'Brien asked, "Who's in charge of Microsoft, anyway?"

Thats just classic. In releated news, Macworld San Francisco starts monday :)

long time

wow, its bin long time since i lasted posted here....every1's post is becomin so long now a days i dun even read thm anymo...i jus skim thru it. I think it all started wid Bill's great american "post" lol neways, prolly wun be bloggin much here right now cuz of exams and i have my own blog now:) buh realli, nuffin much has bin major dat its worth posting....

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Didnt edit this. I will later. Tired as hell. This is a recap of yesterday, as seen through my eyes.

Theres so many things i want to take out of here, but I am too lazy. After sleep.

Here we go.

Where to start. Ah yes, yesterday after school. I had to rush home to drive to an appointment. My mom lets me drive more often now because she is lazy, no problem, I have no problem with it. It was just that one day, I shouldn’t have been driving. On the way there, was fine, minus the absence of parking spaces. I had to freaken steal parking from the eye examination center across the street. We walk back to the building, and theres this jackass with one of those windowless pedophile vans parked horizontally across three spaces. Bastard. He was just sitting in his car too. Oh, right when we arrive, a car leaves their space too. Son of a Bitch. So I go get the car to move it. If we left it there, it would’ve been towed. I come back, the space is fucking taken by some shitbox Toyota? Honda? One of those two. So I put the car back, and we go in.

On the way back. Now I am normally a safe driver, never do anything stupid. Always go the speed limit and stuff. Today? Fat chance. The doctor had pissed me off beyond any point of where I could control my driving style. So here I am, speeding along. 80-85km/h down Lawrence. Some fucker is tailgating me. About 2 Meters behind me, probably more because objects in mirror are closer than they appear. I am not going to put up with this shit. Lets see how good his reflexes are. Red light in front of me, car in front of me slows down. I delay my braking a bit, tailgating bastard still fucking my cars bumper. Then I slam the brakes down harder than I would, jerking the car, scaring the complete shit out of that freak behind me. He switches lanes. I slow down, stop, all good.

Me – 1 Tailgater – 0

That guy didn’t know what the fuck. And of course, I get the rant from my mother about me being a stupid shit-head again, how I’m never driving again, how they are glad they wouldn’t let me get driving lessons. That’s fucking retarded. If I had driving lessons, I would know not to do stupid shit like that. So now I’m even madder. I pass highland farms going 80 (+-10) and we smell skunk. Great, another obstacle to avoid. I look, don’t see it. I heard a thump but didn’t think anything of it. Big mistake. Fucking roadkill gets stuck to the under-carriage of the car, and I drag it all the way home in a happy hayride to the depths of my garage where It fucking stunk up the place. Man was that a bitch to clean up. If you can hear me Mr. Skunkington (I named him ^_^), in the better place you are supposedly in. I am sorry for dragging your stinking rotting carcass 1 kilometer across the street but next time, try not to get killed in the first place.

Back home. I go on MSN, Durwyn has an urgent message! The fucking chem project, which was due on January 10, is now due, you guessed it, tomorrow. Fuck. I havn’t even started. So I get to doing my part, in between reading of course. I finally get it done, and oh yea, before I continue.

The Mac in the comp lab pissed me off. I hooked up my iPod to it to see if I could play songs through it, goddamnit. It erased all my songs. So I had to fix it when I got home, wasted some of my chem. Time. Anyways, The chem was done, except for the model. Talked to my partners. Durwyn was doing the powerpoint and his part. Prasanth was busy with his part. Bill was done, I asked him if he could help me with the model since the parts are at my house. This was freaken 9:15. Bill is in markham. Nevertheless, he came to help, and for that Bill, I salute you.

And now the crazy adventures of (insert cheesy series name here). Bill arrives around 10:30, we look at the stuff we got. Not much, but it’ll do for the model. Then, a much larger problem presents itself. We. Don’t. Have. Fucking. Paint. Shit. We spend an hour talking to people, arranging paint pickups and the like and finally, at 11:40, we get into his van to go pickup the paint. Mark was outside my house (WTF? Stalker?). He gives us some brown housepaint. And…some stuff but we don’t want to talk about that. One of the discs were for durwyn. The gay Indian goth porn that he ordered. So I had to put that into his mailbox. Okay. Bill drives to durwyns house. Sure enough, theres the paint on his doorstep. Thanks durs, except, YOU DON’T HAVE A MAILBOX. So I had to give it to you tomorrow. Next stop, su-gars for more paint. Nope closed. Damn communists. Then, a nice drive to Dominian. No paint, only food coloring, might’ve worked. These two ladies in the parking lot looked at us as if we were going to stab them and take their car. Oh No! I want to kill you for your OLDESMOBILE. Go to hell, ladies. The asian gang is NOT going to kill you tonight. You’ll probably die of old age tomorrow anyways. Think twice before giving the racist hate stare.

Inside dominion. The lady says that the Home Depot is open till 12. Okay. Its 11:55. We can make it! Not. We arrive at 12:02 after a crazy drive on the 401. The… Haha… The fucking thing closed at 10. HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA. Oh man. Stupid woman at the dominion. Wasted our time. So we decide to get more paint from bills house… in markham. 15 min drive or so. Upon leaving the parking lot. We are behind this red shitbox that’s waiting to make a left turn. No problem, except she wouldn’t move. There was NO NIL NEIN NYET cars coming in both directions, and she waited a freaking minute. When we finally do make the turn, bill pulls alongside her and gives her the bird and yells FUCK YOU!!!!. Then we drive off. We get the paint from bills house, and 2 DVDs. We get back into the car, and hello, I have a call. Its my mother. The gist of the conversation was:

-Where the fuck are you?
-Do you know what time it is?
-Are you dead in a ditch?
-When are you getting back?

I swear, I have no trust or freedom. We are driving back, at 12:30 through the open country behind the zoo. No lights. No cars. Freaky. I would HATE to be trapped there. Imagine being drunk and thrown out of a car there. Ouch. You’d piss yourself. Not because its scary, cuz you probably drank too much, am I right? Anyways, we get back around 1. We paint the things. And wait for them to dry. It was 3:30 before we are able to put it together. Finally around 4:30 its done and we can go to sleep. God. I went upstairs, Bill stayed in the basement, if prasanth were to get any ideas. 2 hours sleep. We were zombies today. I didn’t feel like writing notes in calc, so I just drew on my page, and wrote down lines to make it look like I was working. Chemistry, fucked up the quiz, AND WE DIDN’T EVEN HAVE TO PRESENT TO DAY. DAMNIT ALL THAT WORK FOR NOTHING!!!!.

Heads are going to roll. As you can see, my grammer and spelling is getting weaker at the end of this blog, cuz im so tired I am going to sleep goodnight.

____________________________________Sign for OK

PS. I missed a few things, update tomorrow.


I was looking through my backed up stuff. Found my old web site, where I originally blogged. Hahahahaa read some of my old posts, brings back memories. I'm thinking of bringing it back up, just for the hell of it. Wow, blogging with blogger is so easy and simple, before I had to manually code everything, then again I had so much more freedom. Found a funny quote ( alteast to me XD, cuz at that time i had 56K ), "Every-freaking-time I decide to say something important, I get disconnected!!" Ahhhh I remember how annoying that was, people wouldn't even believe me when I said I got dissconnected. But I have to say, if there was one thing I learned from 56k, it was PATIENCE! Oh man did I ever. It would take me FRIGGIN half an hour to download a friggin 5mb file!

This is a pretty pointless blog, infact most of the time all of mine are. I donno, most posts I can post here, others I feel uncomfortable posting here. Which is annoying since these days I have mostly those ones. I don't know how people can post they're feelings so easily. Everywhere I look, people advertising they're feelings. I guess it's normal?

Shit I need to clean my room, looks so messed up. I have a friggin fold-up chair in my room for some reason, with clothes laying on it. Can't even open my closet fully cuz of that stupid chair. Errr, so many god damn dust bunnies behind and under my computer desk too, not to mention the countless post-its. If anyone is thinking of getting me something for my birthday, I recommend a Swifer. Man I'm really hating fucking Sabrina right now, SHE FLICKS HER FINGER AND HER ROOM GOES SUPER CLEAN! I want that!!!! or a swifer. .. hint hint. I wonder what everyone is doing right now? Jason's prolly listening to techno and poking at that dead skin on his toe or at teashop168 looking for that hot waitress. Ronny? Ummm eating? >=D Nono, it's 630 so he's prolly doing hwk. Kent's prolly chasing more tails, but I'm sure he'll stay away from those 2 bisexuals after what happen on new years. Bond? Umm you know I'm actually not sure what Bond would be doing right now. If I were to guess, prolly TKD. Chris? it says on msn that he's "sleeping", I highly doubt that, he's most likely watching that porn Mark burnt him. I GOT A COPY OF IT TOO!! ^^ ANYWAY, Bill? sleeping, or in front of his mirror wondering why he's so bastard-hideous! OH ZING!! um who else? Oh yeah Andrew and Shirley! Shirley's prolly lets see it's 633, thursday night, suns down, ok she's prolly out drinking and being a bad-ass matha-shutURmouth! ...OR making more sock puppets
! she's great. Now for Andrew. Lets she, most likely sitting infront of that damn t.v playing his god damn gamecube, without blinking, and if you were to go like near him he'd hiss at you cuz he's so into the game. wtf was he playing last time again? I forget, something gay where you can get lost in the clouds. Oh yeah he has fable now, LOL I BET HE'S PIMPING IN THE GAME!!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Ok i seriously need to clear all the dirty socks from my room, or atleast open the window. XD What other random things can i say? Oh yeah yesterday I was stressed and Drew told me to try some hippy crap, did I mention Drew's a hippy?, anyway, so I decided to give it a chance. After awhile of just sitting there and ...well just sitting I realized I need a new fan for my computer, the one I have now is louder then Fatima I sware. OHHHH ZING!! Oh I had to do that. But seriously, when I was doing his hippy thing I realized what relaxes me, no sadly it's not porn, it's SWIMMING! I saw myself swimming in my mind. Sure I can get deep right now and explain what I was seeing in my mind...but I'd rather keep it simple, have enough of those as it is. So I've decided I'm going to go swimming more often now, maybe I'll even join Dargon Boat. Ok thats kinda high up there, but Shirley was encourging me today. Then again her favourite slang is "add oil", soo...well COME ON?! ADD OIL?!! I aint going on a boat with a crazy. Speaking of crazy IM STILL TYPING!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I think I'm high from my tea ( with ginger!!! ), but then shouldn't I be like not capitalizing my letters and making spelling mistakes. any spelling mistake..tit''s this teas fault! I think I'm running out of things to say. Oh yeah the weather! Today reminded me of those clips I would see of the North Pole, or as Chris would call it, Pedofile Island. CUz you know he hates Santa? Anyway, yeah the snow was falling and it was windy, cooool. It would have been even more cool if a polar bear came and like mauled Cindy or something, essssh this tea evil. HAHAHAHA. Speaking of the weather, that was one of the first questions I asked my pen pal, "how's the weather?". I should really email her back, last mail I got from her was on October 23rd or so, IT'S ON MY LIST OF THINGS TO DO, RIGHT NEXT TO "WATER THE PLANTS". My mom already waters the plants for me...I can't ask her to mail my pen pal too. :( Shit I could have spent this time writing her a letter instead of posting in this hell hole. She mailed me once, oh man so bad, all my friends liked her sister! They're like "yo! is that her?!", "no.. thats her older much hotter sister..", "aw man you suck, mail her sister from now on!", "". Her name's Aiko! and she's from Japan, I don't remember the prefecture by heart but she said she could see mount Fuji, soo..thats good. Her mom visited Canada before annd last time I mailed her she said she had a boyfriend and liked dancing. Her writing isn't that bad, better then some people I know here *cough* *cough* ronny *cough* *cough*. Ok shit it's 702, I should really start cleaning now if I want to sleep early. Damn I can drag-on.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Invasion of Pointless Pixels

The invasion of the Pointless Pixels

felt like blogging here.. n also wanna advertise >=p

January 03|2004 - 22.34
my "fabulous" day.. horray.. >=(
morning - partner`s mom thru out our poster, had to make a new one during the day 4 physics
calculus - we had to move all the desk back to the way it was (basically turn the classroom around) = frustrating
spare - worked on physics project.. computer crashed 3 times causing me to redo the thing 3 times
lunch - library closes so i saved me file.. went back and it was gone so i had to redo it AGAIN = ran out of time
ontop locker didn`t open
geometery - didn`t learn ne thing cux i was bz working on physics
physics - i rushed everything and i didn`t even had to present today
after skool - forgot to hand in my physibilities

o well.. at least i got the jetta today.. and in calculus two funny thing happened

Me: Watch she[mskatharada] comes in and tells us to move everything back to where it was b4 the holidy
Bicos: haha
MsK: Ok class, lets move everything back to where it was before the holiday
Me+Bicos: LMFAO

Another thing was
Bicos: *singing* what the hell you waiting for??!!
Me: You to shut the hell up
Bicos: err.. Can i kill you?

lolz.. bad luck...
ps. they took out all the carpets in the classrooms and replaced them wit tiles.. but since we had to move the desks the tiles are already scratched up lolz

Sunday, January 02, 2005

you always want what you can't have

I wish you bluebirds in the spring

To give your heart a song to sing

And then a kiss, but more than this

I wish you love

And in july a lemonade

To cool you in some leafy glade

I wish you health

But more than wealth

I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

So with my best

My very best

I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all when snowflakes fall

I wish you love


My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

So with my best

My very best

I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all when snowflakes fall

I wish you love

Laura Fygi ? / Rosemary Clooney ?
I found this song yesterday, while I was backing up some stuff for jason. Found it in a folder called "fuckoff" in a CD I burnt a long time go. I think I remember where I first heard this song, I still lived at my old place. It was when they still called that channel CFMTV not freaking OMNI 1 or fuking 2, what they call it now. They aired HK movies late night and sometimes I actually watched them. Im not going to get detailed about that movie, all I know is some girl leaving to US for a new life but there's like this local radio host guy who loves her but understands her and knows he shouldn't "stop" her. Yeah, I'm skipping ALOT, but you get the gist. SO, while she's in the taxi going to the air port, the driver turns on the radio to that station and the host guy plays that song for her. Wait? Did she know he loved her? Fuck I forget, seems important. Anyway right now, I think alot of people I know can relate to this damn song and maybe even, LEARN from it. OR NOT, and I'm just bored. I wonder what I'm thinking at the back of my headddddd right now....ummmmmm...

Saturday, January 01, 2005

interesting background

well i just got my new cell and i was looking for a picture for my background
i was looking through and i found something very interesting~

Free Image Hosting at

im sure prasanth would remember thiz picture~
guess now i have a.. new background for my cellphone >=)

happy new year fags

1st post of 2005.

I claim this year in the name of Josef Stalin.

Happy New Year.