Sunday, January 09, 2005

black nail polish & ronny's matrix phone

Today I was searching for black nail polish for Philip for Mai's bb-day present. The extra "b" is for belated =D. Anyway so I decide to ask the bitch in shoppers drug mart and she gives me a condescending look and says "No, we dont sell that here". So I left, but couldn't find it anywhere else. Philip found it later though, at "Sephora". Cost like 8 something, but thats okay cuz it came with a little pouch, WHICH WAS GOLD! whhooaaa. It's nice buying stuff for others. Oh shit I forgot to look for Fatima's waxing stripes. Hahahah oops.

Anyway Ronny got a new cell phone. He call's it the "matrix phone", and every time he call's someone he says "I need an exit" instead of "Hello". I'm going to slap him and step on that damn phone....annnd upgrade my 32 and beat his rocket car. K, now I need to focus on math.

1 comment:

prasanth said...

cheap shot! cheap shot!, yout sucking up will not stop the cold blog war.