Wednesday, January 26, 2005

surprise visit leads to new PV computing standard.

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Just the other day Drew and his sister payed a surprise visit to my place. I thought they were just coming to pick up a CD, not actally in my room, so I didn't bother cleaning up the place. Nope, I was wrong. But, ironcally instead of dirty clothes lying around, there were clean ones, that my mom just washed, but I didn't bother putting away yet. That and the odd pairs of socks and boxers laying around. I don't think she noticed. :D My mom always warned me, about having sudden guests over and that I wouldn't be able to clean up my room in time and would be embarrassed; I would always shrug it off, saying, "Yeah right". She walks around with a giant grin on her face now. >=(

That wasn't my main concern though. Drew's sis WENT ON
MY COMPUTER! I was so distracted while Drew was talking to me, cause she was roaming around unmapped areas on my computer. Since the damn thing is 100% mine, plus 99.9% of the time it's just me using it, I have a tendency to place whatever (PORN!) anywhere. I try to keep it all in one place, but lately my computer reflects my room aswell, ALL OVER THE PLACE! (no you morons, that doesn't mean I have porn all over the place in my room) So tonight, I got underway in bringing my computer up to code. After reading about Evangelion during my breaks, I've decided to name my new standard after a protocol used in Evangelion, did I mention that I really really like Evangelion? Anyway, so the standard will be called the "601 Standard". After standardized, even little kids will be able to roam safely in it, though, it's highly unlikely any little bastard would be able to access my computer, let alone get in my room. Umm where can I put everything? Make some hidden folder called "PORN" and put decoy in there, and then find some place boring like folder "srchasst" and dump everything in there. Damnit, Chris' solution so simple; stash it in your 20gig iPod, that bastard. Umm, maybe I should rent space, LOL; well I found that funny. I'm sure Ronny did too.
Ok I think i'm done, my computer is offically 601 compliant. Good thing Drew's sis didn't find anything before, frankly I'm friggin surprised she didn't. I mean whoa shit, five minutes in... Okays, I going to eat.

"I'm no monster, I'm a hero."

yeah, i didn't play with fottoshop for awhile, so had too.

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