Friday, January 28, 2005

don't read this, now u will, now you won't .

shit im tired. tmrs the last exam..or is it today? wtf is the time? Chemistry. I'm so tired, this Red Bull does nothing, well it keeps me up, but I feel like shit. Errr and I'm starting to question everything, like... hey why am I posting ehre? omfg thats a funny way of spelling "here", not going to bother fixint that. we lass makk mistakes, thats how we learn right? thats corny. mistakes...mistakes aren't really mistakes...they're just different. ok now thats retarded. yeah fuck you im going to make mistakes! i didn't mean that "fuck you", i never do. hey, i think all that caffine is kicking in on this post. plus winamp, mostly winamp. music influences me too much. i should really learn an instrument in my life time. i wonder what i'll be in my next life time? im hindu, and being so i guess im suppose to think i could be anything, even a spider, XD. that won't be too bad, short life + no exams. i wonder if i'll be born in like the 1800's or like the 1400's. or hell, what about like the 67th century. i wonder how life would be in t... ok im going to stop here, my thoughts don't make sense.

1 comment:

prasanth said...

LOL no, i know what that sounds like!! i should start out simple, like a triangle.