Monday, December 12, 2011

poosanth shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

poosanth just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"Joe Wrinn. One of my favorite"

The Instagram Team

No fun

Gonna try my annual coffee strike again. Let's see how long PV lasts.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

polish girl

Whoa, this is different. I'm using the new Blogger interface. Another reminder of how times are changin' I guess.

Couple weeks back I went to Eaton Centre. I was reluctant to go in, but decided to after awhile. I went in through the Queen subway entrance. First thing I noticed was the south food court was completely boarded up. The convenience store next to Black's had been turned in to debt machines, and everything felt unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. There was a just a few people, the mall had been closed for some time.

I walked towards the middle, where the fountain is. The fountain was still there, looked the same, thank god. The home décor store by the fountain was gone though, I forget what replaced it, but it was some retail store. I decided to take the escalator up to street level. Night crew were working on assembling that same old Christmas tree up here, and there was more people. I noticed some more stores were gone again, Victoria's Secret took up their spots. I walked towards the stairs leading up to Chapters.

Malls are different at night. Especially really busy ones like Eaton Centre. During the day its filled with people and noise. At night its so bare and quiet. Naked. I've never walked on an empty highway at night before, but I'd imagine it would feel similar.

First thing I noticed on the third level was the Chocolate store was gone! I think it was Godiva. Some high-end bag store replaced it. I could see from where I was standing the McDonald's I used to work at would also soon disappear. It had banners saying "We're Moving". I wonder what would replace it...

I figured I should take a picture. So I did. I'm not against change. Change is good. And if history has taught me anything, it's that, change is inevitable and unavoidable. I'm just a jerk running forward, backwards.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

There's no one I can be honest with, and I'm starting to wonder if that'll ever change with me. Okay, maybe I'm becoming pessimistic. I feel the same though, everyday feels the same, like everyone else is different day-to-day but me. Gotta focus, instead of staring at the dirt, I guess.

Strange ass dreams I'm having. Last night I dreamt I was at a church garage sale. There was a black GameBoy Pocket I really wanted, it had some nail-polish splashed on it. Also aliens were invading earth, disguised has humans, I'm pretty sure that was both in the same dream. My dreams aren't usually imaginative, and usually feature people I know. Lately, they've all been pretty random, and I'm usually the only person I know in them.

Everything that made me happy, doesn't seem so exciting anymore. WTF is wrong with me.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1 good camera, 1 good jacker, and no belt. Belts hold you back

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exams almost over. I miss the past, hate the present, and am afraid of the future. Crappy.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I gotta get outta here this summer. Road trip somewhere. Nova Scotia! Far away from the cities.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I wish I had time to take pictures and develop them. Need more time in a day.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Looking at old pictures is not a good idea. I miss everything.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Studying for two exams tomorrow, and there is an assignment due tomorrow that I haven't even started. I'm crazy. I'm trying very hard to focus, but so much things are running around in my head. I wish I could just shut everything up! It's like a parade of emotions in my head. Random memories pop-up.

I keep thinking about something my high school physics teacher said to me. I was arrogant to him in my response. Now I feel like my whole life I'm still trying to prove him wrong. I've accepted he was right, but that hasn't helped me from getting passed it. It's been years.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Honey Honey

Life never goes as expected, thats for sure. You're suppose to learn from your mistakes and hopefully never make them again. That's usually good enough I guess. It's when you don't even do that, that's when you're really fucked. Even Crazy.
Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honey
Honey honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honey
I'd heard about you before
I wanted to know some more
And now I know what they mean, you're a love machine
Oh, you make me dizzy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


This year will be a good one. Apparently it's suppose to be for me, according to my mom.

I haven't posted anything here for almost a year. Nearly; shy less than a week. Well I'm back. I don't think anyone I know comes here anymore, so I can maybe even get away with posting what's really on my mind here. Plus, we've got history.