Thursday, December 13, 2007

Flickr Stats

YES! Flickr stats. Now I can finally find out who's leaching my Bottle pic. You're going down, fuckers!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

new bg image

Yes, it's camera skin! I stole it from here:
Muwhahaha, I hope they don't mind :)

Friday, November 30, 2007

out of focus? fuck you, learn to focus

You know what really bugs me. People who take blurry pictures of shit they're trying to sell online. For fuck sakes, take that extra second or two and fucking focus your damn camera. It's hard enough with the fucking emo compositions and bad lighting, but seriously? Are you fucking shooting bigfoot?

On another note, I finished paying off my K10. No ones getting shit from me for Christmas, and that's guaranteed. Well okay Mai, but that's it. Muhahahaha everyone else can complain to her.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

damn flickr

I sort of surpassed my upload limit on Flickr for this month. So far, for basically half a month I can't upload anything. Till Saturday. Kehehhee, here are some pics that have been patiently waiting in line. I'm not going to do crazy uploading all at once like I used too. Will do that when I get my Pro account. I'll have to take it slow from now on in. DAMN SATURDAY!

Download as Wallpaper
(In case you have a square monitor and actually want this :)

it metaphorically did blow

I was reading Torontoist, and just found out that, that whole bomb threat thing over at the ROM couple days ago was just a big sort of.... misunderstanding. Wow, that seriously sucks for this guy, 'cuz he just got suspended from his program and his probably now facing some gay charges by the popo. I think I'm going to have to side with the popo on this though. I get he's just one of those artistic people, whom I don't understand at all, just expressing himself, but leaving the thing by the ROM, than calling the ROM and saying "Listen there's no bomb by the entrance to the museum" then hang up... well that just wasn't too smart.

fulls tory:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Black's sucks shit

Black's seriously sucks shit. I bought Ilford 400 XP2 film w/ 24 exposures there for $9.99 and it's fucking $5.99 over at Henry's!!! Thats a fucking difference of 4 fucking dollars?!! What the fuck are they running?? I'm not even going to get on their develop +print costs. Fucking assholes. And at Henry's the XP2 with 36 exposures is fucking $7.99, THATS 12 MORE EXPOSURES AND STILL 2 DOLLARS CHEAPER. Oh yeah, did I mention it's 10% off for students at Henry's? Yepp, never fucking wasting my money in Black's ever again, they can suck m'balls.

However Henry's has it's fucking issues too. Number one, some of their sales associates are real smug assholes, like seriously... come on? Who pays for you're salary? I know this problem essentially exists in all stores with human sales associates, but it's predominately in stores that know they are the shit. I mean, you don't see the smug guy working in the local family owned shop, he's next door in the giant superstore *cough*. Number two, 2-WEEKS DIGITAL SCANS?!! I asked if they could scan my prints when I get them developed. I forget how much it was, but I distinctively remember when the sales associate said it would take 2 weeks.

Downtown Camera, just beside the Henry's Outlet Store by Church & Queen has a pretty nice set-up. For one thing, they have a fucking clean cut pamphlet, sitting in a visible and easily accessible spot, on top of the table, listing the various services their lab offers and prices. For my xp2, it will cost me $12.99 for one day, $8.99 for 3 days, and $4.00 for a second set. But, if I come in on Monday or Wednesday, now up until December 31, I can get my 2nd print for only fucking 2 dollars. That's not bad. (Some Holiday promo they're having) Also, digital scanning when developing will cost me $5.00 for the whole roll at high resolution. Not bad at all, well, until I find a better place.

I need to head back to Downtown Camera and see how much film is there. Anyway, Flickr is also being gay. I reached my upload limit for November way back in the beginning of November, so I haven't uploaded anything for awhile. It's been nice though, sort of relaxing. Reminded me of why I bought a camera. To take pictures, for myself. Here are a few recent shots:

I'd deal with a smug Henry's guy any day than any guy at Vistek

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sexxy sexy Assassins Creed

Great job Gears. Look what you did. Does anyone know the studio which developed the Gears of War commercial? They also did that Halo 3 one, with the kids looking at the stars in the beginning. Damnit! I lost the bookmark.

Song: Lonely Soul by UNKLE

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

a break from color

badass fire hydrantSo, I'm still enjoying my break from color. However, browsing flickr really showcases some amazing colorful pictures. I'll continue till snowfall, see where I go from there. I can't believe we're almost reached half-way point in November already. Damn Christmas! The malls are already starting to get busy, and the parking-lots are reaching that state where I have to come early for parking. FUCKKKK

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Finally put up some Initial D pics. I decided to make them b/w with high contrast. I know most of the image is now black, and it's hard to see. But thats the point! Use your god damn imagination. I'm trying to mimic a new photographer who reallllllly interests me. Practically all of his work is in b/w and they're amazing. Signed out one of his books from the library today, and had a look while eating. His name's Daido Moriyama. I think this is the first time I've found a photographer I really like and can look up to. And the best part of it all? He shoots random shit too! But I'm sure he begs to differ :)

night bitches!

Ronny and Jason enjoying a race at the Arcade.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

fuck yes

The Dan Band - Total Eclipse of the Heart

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Divinely put together far in advance

Nothing much this week. Didn't get to do anything during Halloween. I had work, so I wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway. Geebus, I really need to book off ahead of time. It's starting to get cold, so winter must be finally here. Snow, slush, slow traffic, and a-million-people-ahead-of-you-in-line time of year. Yay! I seriously hate malls during Christmas. It's so god damn packed and everything is SO SLOW. And you know what is buggin' me more right now? HOW FUCKING ITUNES CAN NOT FUCKING SHUFFLE FOR SHIT. What fucking happen to the days when shuffle was fucking really random?? Fucking iTunes thinks it KNOWS what I want to hear NEXT. NO YOU PIECE OF SHIT, I DON'T WANT TO HERE THE SONG I JUST HEARD 89382 TIMES ALREADY.

Sloan - Can't You Figure It Out?

Do you remember
When I totally disappeared in a flash
And by December
Reluctantly we live in the past
Well I have to go
You see the sign said so
The welcome title comes to mind
Did you ever have to make up your mind

Can't you figure it out?
Figure it out?

So orchestrated
Divinely put together far in advance
Your underrated
Appearance at the Hallowe'en dance
So we meet at last
before the moment's past
Staying up 'til half past two
writing this song for you

Can't you figure it out?
Figure it out?
Figure it out?
Figure it out?

An incantation like a spell has been cast
Now I'm under and I'm tied to the mast
where I'll be
Adrift at half past three
dreaming of the melody

Can't you figure it out?
Figure it out?
(so orchestrated)
Figure it out?
(you're underrated)
(so orchestrated)
Figure it out?
(you're underrated)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a little late coming, but FINALLY

Let's see.. 2D or 3D... *COUGH* Ōkami *COUGH* Viewtiful Joe...
You know this is going to be mixed, but still I think it's going to be some hybrid sideview. Not going to be fully able to move around like Tekken. Which is what sorta breaks Tekken.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Color scheme change

The white was getting to my eyes. Lately, bright light has been really bugging me. Getting headaches from really bright sunlight, bright car lights, by my god damn monitor. I had to turn down the contrast and brightness on my monitor for regular use, I only turn them up when I'm uploading and editing photos. Also, I have to actually tilt the rear-view mirror away when the jackass behind has those friggin' really bright lights. That really pisses me off. I understand they're not using high beams, but fuck, it's just as strong. So anyway, I had to darken up this page. Too bad Flickr doesn't offer any custom CSS schemes.

Credit: Background Pattern squidfingers

Rain rain, stay stay stay

It's been raining for couple of days now. Sometimes foggy mornings, foggy nights. I want to head out with the tripod and take some pictures in the fog and rain, but tied down with work and school work all week. Hopefully it stays wet for the coming week too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

craigs god damn sexy list

Yeah, I've fallen in love with craigslist. I bookmarked it directly to anything and everything Pentax. Man, browsing through flickr really opens your eyes to different styles. Right now I really want a rangefinder. Anything, as long as it's a damn working rangefinder. Can't spend now though, so it'll have to wait.

Been taking a lot of pictures lately, a lot of random fucking pictures. I think I like my outdated manual primes more than the kit lens. I don't mind having to manually focus, but sometimes I do wish I could use the auto focus, especially continuous. Yes I'm really bitching about all things photography this post. That's because it's been the only thing on my mind lately. At least the only thing not ... depressing.

Music. Found two really great artists this week. Thes One and Double K of People Under the Stairs. It's a freestyle alternative rap/hip hop froup. Yes froup. I call them froup, 'cuz they freestyle. I never thought I'd be in to freestyle alternative rap, but shit this shit is sick. Yes I said that. Here's their myspace link. Listen to SF Knights, all of their tracks I like. Expensive at HMV though, 19.99 fucking dollars. You know its like fucking 12 dollars in the States, adjust the fucking currency already!!!!! On the iTunes store it's $9.99 per CD. That's cheap, which leads me to really start using the istore, but once again, CAN'T iSPEND!!!

My computer is giving these really annoying errors. Where it kills my Royal windows theme, reverts back to windows classic theme, and kills my audio. Apparently I have no audio now. Which is realllllllllllllly fucking annoying since i JUST bought my fucking 5.1 surround sound speaker system for the PC. Fucking fuck. I must have angered the GigaGods.

Okay, I don't think the SF Knights on myspace is working, so here is a very bad audio youtube clip. You can't really hear the freestyle, but you know it's awesome. It has to be, with all that BUZZUZUZUZUUZZZZ

Friday, October 19, 2007

A sign?

I pretty much reached the lowest point of my day; I look across the windshield, and what do I see?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

tomoror mornigingigng

Yes, tomoror mornigingigng I'm going to wake up extra early, pack my shit, and head to downtown. Hopefully it'll be foggy, but not rainy, so I can snap some pics before I head to class at 8 bitchessssss. I'm gonna hit up that spot I've always wanted to take a pic from, on Broadview south past Danfourth, but before Gerrard. You knowwww, that spot!

Here's a pic from somewhere near the Reference Library.

Update 10:05am
God damnit, I fell alseep past the alarm.... again. So much for that :( Plus it was raining all morning. Well, still have the tripod and camera here, I guess I'll just shoot the same old shit. FUCKIGNDUIHYR@#$^%&*((

Update 3:06pm
Well if the rain and me missing my alarm wasn't bad enough, my parents totally fucking crapped on my day. As usual. They don't give me a a fucking heads up, and ALWAYS, tell me the DAY OF that I need to fucking do something for them. Then I have to FUCKING cancel anything and everything I've planned, blow off allllllllll my previews arrangements and fucking BE HAPPY ABOUT IT?!?! And I'm not fucking blowing this out of proportion, in-fucking-fact my reaction to this is sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking laid back, 'cuz the amount of times they do this same shit to me would proportionately cause me to lift this fucking monitor and fucking throw it at the wall. Then fucking tear apart every fucking thing in this room till I'm fucking exhausted or I run out of shit to fucking tear apart. And fucking worst of all, IIIIIIII SEEM LIKE THE FUCKING ASSWIPE WHO CANCELS OUT AT THE LAST MINUTE. LIKE FUCK YOU TOO!! DO YOU THINK I HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE???????? DO YOU?? And that's how my day went.

On a much much lighter note, I decided to just not give a fuck, focus on infinity, and shoot the fuck away. Here are the fucking results: (will post whenever the fuck i feel like)

sRGB or AdobeRGB?

Come to think of it, it's been a really long time since I made any real posts. Lately, I've just been posting youtube shit and random short things. I'm going to try to post at least one real post a week, try to keep this blog alive. The day before yesterday I had a look around this blog, went far back and found some things I totally forgot posting about. Which reminded me, why I started blogging in the first place. Help me remember things.... and make fun of people. Okay, more of the second one. Since I have the k10 now, all those pictures I've taken also help me remember things. They're like triggers, which help get those stored memories back.

So what are all the things I'm up to now.... Trying to get my head around color spaces, I can't figure out which is the safest to use, or best. But best isn't necessarily the "best" , I mean I guess it all really depends on what it's for. Ahhhh fuck, this is annoying. sRGB looks great on the monitor, but is it really what I saw? There's so many things I don't know about it. I currently shoot in AdobeRGB, but I save my exports for web in sRGB. Still need to read this PDF on color management by Adobe, but I got work. Oh did I mention all the school work. I wish I would just win the damn lottery, then I could actually spend my life doing things I like/want to do!!

Anyways, I'll keep this blog going. It's got too much shit to crap up now. For now, heres a picture I just finished working on:
blue jeans

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

RIP Roxanne

_IGP2112, originally uploaded by phocrastinating.

This is the only thing I have left to remind me of Roxanne. The rim I dinged on that seriously fucked up pothole.

I remember that day like yesterday. Driving back from school, rainy, windshield fogged, construction, and BAM! Ran over a giant pothole, not only popping my tire, but denting my damn rim. My first flat tire. Roxanne sure taught me a lot of things. Responsibility, mechanics, women, you name it, she popped a tire for it.

Horatio Caine sure has some fucking big shoes to fill.


_IGP2120, originally uploaded by phocrastinating.

Got bored, decided to go around the house and take pictures. Here is our very very old treadmill. This thing is like a 100+ years old, it runs on man power for Christ sake.

There's many odd things in my house, this is one of them.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Holy shit

Damnnnnnnnnnnnn. Yes, in between studying for my law quiz and trying not to sleep, im posting. BITCHESS

Sunday, September 23, 2007

One Evening

Title now changed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Forgot to mention that.

A night ago I decided to walk up Yonge street to Collage to meet Chris. As soon as I got to Dudas and Yonge, I was like "what the @$*^?" Looks like they're filming a movie. But what really stood out from all the Hollywood gear was that giant APOLLO sign. I never saw it before, so I figured it must have to be part of the movie. Either that or, Zanzibar's got competition. Anyway, I didn't have my camera at the time, but yesterday I remembered.

After some nosey detective work, I found they're filming the latest installment of the Hulk, The Incredible Hulk. I sorta liked the other Hulk, but I remember a lot of people saying it was crap. This one's starring Edward Norton. I better not tell Mai, I think she likes that jerkface. They're closing down Yonge from Dundas to Gerrard until the 19th, 7pm to 3am. So the final shoot is today. The scene they're filming is suppose to be set in New York.

As anyone noticed movie crew people look like carnies? I fucking hate carnies.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I walked around my good intentions
and found that there were none
I blame my father for the wasted years
we hardly talked
I never thought I would forget this hate
then a phone call made me realize
I'm wrong

If I don't make it known that
I've loved you all along
just like sunny days that
we ignore because
we're all dumb & jaded
and I hope to God I figure out
what's wrong

I walked around my room
not thinking
just sinking in this box
I blame myself for being too much
like somebody else
I never thought I would just
bend this way
then a phone call made me realize
I'm wrong


Friday, August 10, 2007


I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to play around in photoshop. Found a funny picture of Jason so I decided to make a collage.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

pv is gay
i love Mai so much.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

song from maynards commercial

god damnit, i'm still trying to find this song.

I'm a roller-coaster turning 'round

You look me up when I'm upside down
Turn on my jukebox, follow me
We go together endlessly
whoa whoa whoa

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I just realized something

I know this might come out retarded, but I think we just sometimes totally miss what's right in front of us. Anyways, I just realized something.

I have a great mother, a great father, a great sister, a great-great girlfriend, and many great friends. I absolutely have everything that I could have ever needed. So why do I have worries? I just need to be aware more often, that's all.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Now I can get started on more important matters, such as designing the official PROJECT F.A.G. shirt.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


I finally moved the Dose stand from the backyard to my room, ALL BY MYSELF. This thing is freaking heavy. I'm currently undecided to what to use it for, as of right now it's my temporary hamper. I really hope I cleaned off all those spider webs :S Maybe a radioactive spider will bite me.

Oh and this is a funny as sign I saw in front of Ronny's building. It's dented, I dono how, but now it says "Keep off the ass". Sexy

There's two stolen things in that picture of my room. I already mentioned one, which ones the other?

Both of these were taken from my phone and edited in photoshop. The first one I applied a NIK filter.

Friday, April 20, 2007

hot fuzz

Okay, we're watchin' this. I want to see that old lady get kicked in the face so bad.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

test run

So I finally got to test out my new pair of skates today. First thing I noticed was, MY OLD PAIR OF SKATES SUCKED SOME SERIOUS ASS! This new one's so much more quiet and looks a lot better too. In fact, as I skated around my neighborhood, a group of sexy women suddenly began chasing me. There were 6 in total and all of them were very extremely sexy. They were dressed like those chicks on Eric Prydz's Call On Me video, yeah go figure.

They looked like they really wanted a piece of PV (me), but I was totally like, "No no, I'm so committed to Mai leave me alone you sexy bastards!" and "I know a great guy named Andrew and he'll be more than happy to help you ladies!" But the sexy women wouldn't listen. They just continued chasing after me, I think one was even drooling a little. So I had no choice but to use my super-human abilities. Yes, the same exact super-human abilities that almost got a 100 people killed back in Christmas 2005. I had to skate... like a motherfucking Olympic skater! So I did. I hope you're happy Mai. I sure hope you're happy...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

calgary what

Ok so May's approaching. May is the most scariest month of the year, mainly because in French May is spelled Mai. Anyways, I'll be leaving for the support position in May, and will be there for about 3 weeks. Exciting, but now as it approaches, I'm starting to wonder if I'm ready to actually support? I mean I thought I was? But when I think I got my dose of experience there's a shit load of things I still can't do right! We never stop screwing up.

I think I'll have to borrow Mai's camera :D Sure, I'll be taking the fisheye, but there's only so much shots I can take per day with film. Now, if film was cheap, like say 4 rolls a dollar, well than I'll be friggin' set.

And I've been thinking about this whole mindset I'm running on. I'm always... ahead of myself. Looking far away, not seeing whats near me. Like for example this moving out plan I've had since graduating high school. I really really really do want to move the fuck out. Having my own place to store my shit would be unimaginably fun. Having my friends over, over-night game nights, or simply the solitude it offers. The problem I'm finding is I'm so caught up in this need, I fail to see what I can do in my current position. I'm stuck in this limbo of seeing what I want, wanting nothing but it, that I'm just neglecting my current opportunities.

So I've decided to relax. I try hard to by happy and focus on improving on what is now. Yeah yeah yeah, I know you bastards see that as common sense, but go figure. Your perspective on things change a lot when you suddenly change your depth of field. It's nice to have a blurry background.

Plus, Ronny's right. My mom will never let me move out till I prove I can support myself properly. This is the part where I wish I had white parents. You know, like Ryan's parents.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I’m tpyin’ here, with the computer on my lap, killing sperm, watching the sky light up. They should really put some kind of caution sticker on laptops, they seriously do get hot. So I’m 20 now, I must move out soon.

title: elefant - misfit

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


So, the inaugural Toronto FC game starts of at 1030 saturday night. They're going to win.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


A 41-year-old elephant at the Sri Meenakshi Amman temple, located in Madurai, passed away today. Yeah I just thought I'd mention that. My mom told me I've apparently met it when I was small, so I was pretty shocked to hear that. Also 41 years is pretty young for elephants, they can live past 70 years. Oh and elephants are apparently also capable of self-recognition, which is pretty amazing on it's own. GO ELEPHANT!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Not again. Not the forbidden fruit. Why do I do this to myself?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Monday, March 19, 2007


Very nostalgic watching this again. The first time I saw it, it was with Jason when we were about 12 or 11. I didn't even know what Anime was, or that this was even anime. We just liked the gore and partial nudity :D It also didn't make any sense to me, all I knew was this kid named Akira has some super-natural powers. It was also the first time I heard of the Kelvin scale. Akira was stored at a temperature of 0.005°K, which is -272.9995°C. Of course I didn't know that then, but I did notice that room looked awfully cold, practically frozen. Absolute zero is reached at 0°K (-273.15°C), so yeah, they REALLY wanted that thing frozen (and for a good reason). The detail is amazing in the animation, from pieces of paper flying in the wind to some huge-ass exploding muscle creature in the end. Yeah, great movie, watch it.

The 10 episodes that changed the world (September 2006)

These were picked by Comedy Central. I found it here.
Ok lets see, I've see numbers 1, 3, 7 & 10. Outta those I'd have to say number 7 was the best. I don't think this list is in any particular order, but after I watch all these I'll list them in my own awesome order.

(And yes, this list is bulleted AND numbered. That's how serious it is.)

oh baby

look at this beast:

It's like a sexy half naked women which you can ride anywhere, no pun intended. high-performance air cooled engine producing 1670cc with a fully adjustable suspension. there's even a disclaimer: "The MT-01 offers a significant level of power and performance. It is not intended for novice or inexperienced riders."

this one's still my favorite though,

it's no agusta f4-750 SPR,

but of course none of these monsters even reach close to this true beast!

bahhh, I need to learn how to ride a bike. Then get one.

MJ's first moon walk

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Natalie Portman rap

I really don't know why I took so long to post this.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

load me up - dave matthews

Picture yourself
Sleeping on a plane
There's something ticking in the overhead
And inside your brains
There's bodies in the water
And bodies in the basement
If heaven's for clean people, it's vacant
And hey are you know?
And hey are you being careful?
And hey are you luke warm?
Hey ya you are

I'm frantic
So load me up
Whatever puts me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out

Picture yourself swimming in an ocean
A million miles from nowhere and the nearest phone
There's bodies in the water
Floating all around you
And all of them are talking, and they're comedians
And hey are you you know?
And hey are you special?
And hey are you deformed?
Hey ya you are

I'm frantic
So load me up
It seems so practiced
Me fucking this up
Whatever puts me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out

Picture yourself at the MGM grand
Murphy's fighting Occam, you're in the stands
You're in the stands
There's somebody in the water
In the middle of the ocean
A million miles from nowhere
And they're alone
I'm there alone
So, so deformed
So, so deformed
So, so deformed

I'm frantic
So load me up
This seems so practiced
So take me take me take me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out
Whatever puts me all the way out

Thursday, March 15, 2007

the arcade fire

Arcade Fire's new album Neon Bible is out. Well its been out for about a week now I think, anyway it's friggin good. So instead of downloading this one, buy it.


free coffee at starbucks 10-12pm

it tastes like shit, but its free :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Friday, February 23, 2007


A view in to the past. It's amazing. I mean, there, right in front of your eyes, lies this captured moment. Forever frozen at that instant. I wish I could just dive in.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Everything is so god damn BLAH lately. This font is blah, this website is blah, the weather is shit, and school is BLAH!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Monday, February 12, 2007

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Man Law series, these are hilarious

"now we're gonna have to move our glass meeting cube" LOL

"i like to hide mine in the crack of a turkey!"

Click it, more of them on youtube.

another office space remake, NOW SUPER FRIENDS

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I followed a bum today. I first saw him while I was eating at the food court. He asked the lady next to me if she had spare change. Like many others, she said no. He quietly moved on. I don't know why he caught my eye. Perhaps it's because he never asked me for change. I was wondering what I could have said. Probably would have said no; but as I sat there watching him, eating my sub, I started to feel sorry for him. He went around 'n round but no one had spare change. Finally he just stood there, looking around.

I got tired of waiting for someone else, I wanted to give him my cookies. Yes I got cookies instead of chips from Subway. I couldn't gather enough courage to walk over there and give him my cookies though. He started walking out of the food court; as he passed by I still didn't have enough to give him the god damn cookies. I decided to leave. He got on the escalator, I was standing there just watching him go up and thinking to my self "don't be a coward". I stood there for a moment, than got on the escalator. I decided I would follow him and see what happens.

He walked out of the mall. Turning left, heading east on Queen. I saw him crossing on Young on he just paused on the middle of Young and stood there looking at something in the distance. The lights by now were green and the cars started honking. He just casually walked off. Next light I crossed. I could see he now was trying to sell a bus ticket. No one bought his ticket.

I finally approached him, and asked him if he'd want my cookies. He said "oh no it's okay, but thanks thanks". Then he asked me if I want to buy is ticket, I told him I have a metropass. He then asked me if I change, I told him I don't (I did). As we walked away he turned around and thanked me again and I think told me to have a nice day.

As I walked back to Ryerson I felt more confused than ever.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Ah, Futurama is great. One of my favorite episodes was playing, the one where Fry eats the egg sandwich from the truck stop and gets infected by worms. It may seem like just another cartoon, full of stupid funny unrealistic jokes and adventures. But somehow, in this totally unrealistic world, these characters are full of life just like you and me. There's really a deeper story

One day you'll get her Fry.

This had to be one of the sadest :

Saturday, January 27, 2007

"Because Vandals Like Tetris, Too"


Office Space as a Slasher Trailer


Microsoft buying Capcom?!

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! I seriously hope thats just one dumbass rumor. Think of the horrible consequences. Street Fighter, Resident Evil, POWER STONE!! :....(

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Martin Scorsese

The man wins a Golden Globe for best director for The Departed but isn't even nominated for an Oscar. I mean, I understand it's a remake, but fucking come on. It was still much different than the original one. And also I think anyone who has seen The Departed will agree with me when I say MARK FUCKING WAHLBERG deserved the best supporting role at the globes!!! Your my best supporting role Mark! And I mean that in a totally not gay way.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hey wait a sec

wordpress blog

I was browsing during my bout of insomnia. I found a wordpress theme I liked so I implemented it.

I'll figure out what I'm going to do with it..

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the crazy bus

I was on the bus back home today. There was a lot of people waiting for it at the station, so when we got in it was pretty packed. There was this man, right behind the driver's seat, he sat there with his bag on the next seat. This old women who was holding some bags of her own was standing in front of the seat, but the man did not move his bag. I saw that, and found it strange. At first I thought, "wow, what an asshole". I had urges to do something about it, but I didn't. I just stood there being frustrated.

As we drove on, the women still stood there. I looked over time to time to see if he'd move his stupid bag. I started to think, maybe this guy's a real narcissist. Like I mean a REAL one, someone so self fish to them their selfish acts are absolutely normal. Like the people my psych prof warned us about. I started to rethink this situation, maybe I shouldn't be mad at this guy, he doesn't know better. At one point, I actually found it a little funny how the old women had to stand up. Hehehe

Across from the man there sat these two women. They looked like they were in their late 40's early 50's. Seemed like regular folk. I heard them earlier in the station on the phone with some child saying how they'll be home soon. The lady in the red jacket had one of those smart-ass attitudes. You know, with smart-ass responses like answering a question with a question. One of those types of attitudes. Anyway, the child called her again and the women picked up the phone. After she was done talking, the man across from her, the one who held the other seat with his bag, started telling her not to use her cellphone, that it's dangerous and can cause an accident. He kept repeating himself, and also said things like how she shouldn't wear make-up at work and she's going to cause an accident. The lady responded with things like, "excuse me? do you pay my cellphone bills?", "you're not my boss!", "shut up", "driver's aren't suppose to use a cellphone, I CAN" and etc. The man kept repeating himself. The women continued to argue back. Everyone else just sat there. An elderly women by the driver said something to the women and smiled. I don't think the women heard her, because all she kept saying was "do you pay my cellphone bills? shut up! okay buddy!". I got the women's attention and told her maybe he's suffering from a condition and he doesn't know better. I don't think I got through to her, because the next thing I know she asked me if he pays her cellphone bills. At this point I'm wondering if she's also got some condition. The bus stopped, more passengers came in. The man was still repeating himself and she was also now repeating herself. Some of the passengers notice the excitement. One man laughs, and says "I didn't know cellphones weren't allowed on the bus". Another boy, about my age or younger, took of his ear buds to hear the commotion. He laughed with the women and started supporting her. He said things like "Okay buddy, you don't know what you're talking about". Then him and the women talked loudly about how dumb the man was, and how ridiculous he was being. I sorta butted in and told them there are medical conditions he could be suffering from and you shouldn't provoke him. At this point the women quieting down, the boy said maybe he should shut up before something happens. I told him that was a great idea. Than he said he didn't like my attitude, and put his ear buds back on. The man was still repeating himself. In fact, when he got off at Kingston, he was still repeating himself outside the bus. I think the women finally understood.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Jason's bday 2006 LOL


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Great day today, or yesterday

Started off with me finding out Beckham will be friggin joing the MLS come summer. How freaking amazing is that? Maybe more euro players will start coming here and finally I can actually see amazing soccer games in MY TIME ZONE. I'm really excited about this. Hopefully this will being more attention to soccer in North America and I can actually start going out to see sports games. On larger scale, Canada might even qualify for World Cup some time soon. :)!!!

Than I picked up my OSAP, no trouble with that. Which is great, it's Step 1 in getting my camera. My ITM200 teacher seems like a great guy. We spent the first 45 minutes introducing ourselves. :S Work was great, but what came after work was what really made the day great.

Kicking back with people from work, playing pool, eating, and best of all, talking about our favorite shit of all time. Favorite movies, favorite tv shows, making fun of Ryan, etc etc. Shit everyone loves Friends. Oh yeah, I had to make a FaceBook account, just so I could get pictures from tonight off Brandon. It's great working with such fun people, makes the whole "working" seem less like working and more like just hanging with friends. So yeah, whats better than getting paid to joke around with your friends?

SEX , thats what. But Hey I'm happy with this :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Also, I did not know we had to move to the new blogger. :(

reduce tution fees

I'm sitting here on the 7th floor of the Ryerson Business Building... charging my batteries. Near me they're doing a remake of that Capital One commercial? The "hands-in-my-pocket" ones? Anyway, basically it's just a student doing regular student things expect Dalton McGuinty has his hands down their pocket. And if anyone remembers my grade 12 English Oedipus mask, thats exactly how Dalton McGuinty looks like.

I also remembered my wallet today and bought most of those books.

Those videos will be available on YouTube. Of course.

Monday, January 08, 2007


I forgot I forgot my wallet today. So, I picked out all my books for this semester and brought it to the counter.

title: coldplay

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Me and Mai just watched Babel today. Pretty odd film.

Monday, January 01, 2007

happy new year!