Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Black's sucks shit

Black's seriously sucks shit. I bought Ilford 400 XP2 film w/ 24 exposures there for $9.99 and it's fucking $5.99 over at Henry's!!! Thats a fucking difference of 4 fucking dollars?!! What the fuck are they running?? I'm not even going to get on their develop +print costs. Fucking assholes. And at Henry's the XP2 with 36 exposures is fucking $7.99, THATS 12 MORE EXPOSURES AND STILL 2 DOLLARS CHEAPER. Oh yeah, did I mention it's 10% off for students at Henry's? Yepp, never fucking wasting my money in Black's ever again, they can suck m'balls.

However Henry's has it's fucking issues too. Number one, some of their sales associates are real smug assholes, like seriously... come on? Who pays for you're salary? I know this problem essentially exists in all stores with human sales associates, but it's predominately in stores that know they are the shit. I mean, you don't see the smug guy working in the local family owned shop, he's next door in the giant superstore *cough*. Number two, 2-WEEKS DIGITAL SCANS?!! I asked if they could scan my prints when I get them developed. I forget how much it was, but I distinctively remember when the sales associate said it would take 2 weeks.

Downtown Camera, just beside the Henry's Outlet Store by Church & Queen has a pretty nice set-up. For one thing, they have a fucking clean cut pamphlet, sitting in a visible and easily accessible spot, on top of the table, listing the various services their lab offers and prices. For my xp2, it will cost me $12.99 for one day, $8.99 for 3 days, and $4.00 for a second set. But, if I come in on Monday or Wednesday, now up until December 31, I can get my 2nd print for only fucking 2 dollars. That's not bad. (Some Holiday promo they're having) Also, digital scanning when developing will cost me $5.00 for the whole roll at high resolution. Not bad at all, well, until I find a better place.

I need to head back to Downtown Camera and see how much film is there. Anyway, Flickr is also being gay. I reached my upload limit for November way back in the beginning of November, so I haven't uploaded anything for awhile. It's been nice though, sort of relaxing. Reminded me of why I bought a camera. To take pictures, for myself. Here are a few recent shots:

I'd deal with a smug Henry's guy any day than any guy at Vistek

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