Wednesday, January 10, 2007

reduce tution fees

I'm sitting here on the 7th floor of the Ryerson Business Building... charging my batteries. Near me they're doing a remake of that Capital One commercial? The "hands-in-my-pocket" ones? Anyway, basically it's just a student doing regular student things expect Dalton McGuinty has his hands down their pocket. And if anyone remembers my grade 12 English Oedipus mask, thats exactly how Dalton McGuinty looks like.

I also remembered my wallet today and bought most of those books.

Those videos will be available on YouTube. Of course.

1 comment:

cls said...

Did they have the catchy song too? And did he have a Capital One card? And did McGuinty ask, "What's in YOUR wallet?"

I gotta see this when it comes out