Wednesday, October 24, 2007

craigs god damn sexy list

Yeah, I've fallen in love with craigslist. I bookmarked it directly to anything and everything Pentax. Man, browsing through flickr really opens your eyes to different styles. Right now I really want a rangefinder. Anything, as long as it's a damn working rangefinder. Can't spend now though, so it'll have to wait.

Been taking a lot of pictures lately, a lot of random fucking pictures. I think I like my outdated manual primes more than the kit lens. I don't mind having to manually focus, but sometimes I do wish I could use the auto focus, especially continuous. Yes I'm really bitching about all things photography this post. That's because it's been the only thing on my mind lately. At least the only thing not ... depressing.

Music. Found two really great artists this week. Thes One and Double K of People Under the Stairs. It's a freestyle alternative rap/hip hop froup. Yes froup. I call them froup, 'cuz they freestyle. I never thought I'd be in to freestyle alternative rap, but shit this shit is sick. Yes I said that. Here's their myspace link. Listen to SF Knights, all of their tracks I like. Expensive at HMV though, 19.99 fucking dollars. You know its like fucking 12 dollars in the States, adjust the fucking currency already!!!!! On the iTunes store it's $9.99 per CD. That's cheap, which leads me to really start using the istore, but once again, CAN'T iSPEND!!!

My computer is giving these really annoying errors. Where it kills my Royal windows theme, reverts back to windows classic theme, and kills my audio. Apparently I have no audio now. Which is realllllllllllllly fucking annoying since i JUST bought my fucking 5.1 surround sound speaker system for the PC. Fucking fuck. I must have angered the GigaGods.

Okay, I don't think the SF Knights on myspace is working, so here is a very bad audio youtube clip. You can't really hear the freestyle, but you know it's awesome. It has to be, with all that BUZZUZUZUZUUZZZZ

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