Thursday, January 06, 2005


I was looking through my backed up stuff. Found my old web site, where I originally blogged. Hahahahaa read some of my old posts, brings back memories. I'm thinking of bringing it back up, just for the hell of it. Wow, blogging with blogger is so easy and simple, before I had to manually code everything, then again I had so much more freedom. Found a funny quote ( alteast to me XD, cuz at that time i had 56K ), "Every-freaking-time I decide to say something important, I get disconnected!!" Ahhhh I remember how annoying that was, people wouldn't even believe me when I said I got dissconnected. But I have to say, if there was one thing I learned from 56k, it was PATIENCE! Oh man did I ever. It would take me FRIGGIN half an hour to download a friggin 5mb file!

This is a pretty pointless blog, infact most of the time all of mine are. I donno, most posts I can post here, others I feel uncomfortable posting here. Which is annoying since these days I have mostly those ones. I don't know how people can post they're feelings so easily. Everywhere I look, people advertising they're feelings. I guess it's normal?

Shit I need to clean my room, looks so messed up. I have a friggin fold-up chair in my room for some reason, with clothes laying on it. Can't even open my closet fully cuz of that stupid chair. Errr, so many god damn dust bunnies behind and under my computer desk too, not to mention the countless post-its. If anyone is thinking of getting me something for my birthday, I recommend a Swifer. Man I'm really hating fucking Sabrina right now, SHE FLICKS HER FINGER AND HER ROOM GOES SUPER CLEAN! I want that!!!! or a swifer. .. hint hint. I wonder what everyone is doing right now? Jason's prolly listening to techno and poking at that dead skin on his toe or at teashop168 looking for that hot waitress. Ronny? Ummm eating? >=D Nono, it's 630 so he's prolly doing hwk. Kent's prolly chasing more tails, but I'm sure he'll stay away from those 2 bisexuals after what happen on new years. Bond? Umm you know I'm actually not sure what Bond would be doing right now. If I were to guess, prolly TKD. Chris? it says on msn that he's "sleeping", I highly doubt that, he's most likely watching that porn Mark burnt him. I GOT A COPY OF IT TOO!! ^^ ANYWAY, Bill? sleeping, or in front of his mirror wondering why he's so bastard-hideous! OH ZING!! um who else? Oh yeah Andrew and Shirley! Shirley's prolly lets see it's 633, thursday night, suns down, ok she's prolly out drinking and being a bad-ass matha-shutURmouth! ...OR making more sock puppets
! she's great. Now for Andrew. Lets she, most likely sitting infront of that damn t.v playing his god damn gamecube, without blinking, and if you were to go like near him he'd hiss at you cuz he's so into the game. wtf was he playing last time again? I forget, something gay where you can get lost in the clouds. Oh yeah he has fable now, LOL I BET HE'S PIMPING IN THE GAME!!!

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Ok i seriously need to clear all the dirty socks from my room, or atleast open the window. XD What other random things can i say? Oh yeah yesterday I was stressed and Drew told me to try some hippy crap, did I mention Drew's a hippy?, anyway, so I decided to give it a chance. After awhile of just sitting there and ...well just sitting I realized I need a new fan for my computer, the one I have now is louder then Fatima I sware. OHHHH ZING!! Oh I had to do that. But seriously, when I was doing his hippy thing I realized what relaxes me, no sadly it's not porn, it's SWIMMING! I saw myself swimming in my mind. Sure I can get deep right now and explain what I was seeing in my mind...but I'd rather keep it simple, have enough of those as it is. So I've decided I'm going to go swimming more often now, maybe I'll even join Dargon Boat. Ok thats kinda high up there, but Shirley was encourging me today. Then again her favourite slang is "add oil", soo...well COME ON?! ADD OIL?!! I aint going on a boat with a crazy. Speaking of crazy IM STILL TYPING!! weeeeeeeeeeeeee!! I think I'm high from my tea ( with ginger!!! ), but then shouldn't I be like not capitalizing my letters and making spelling mistakes. any spelling mistake..tit''s this teas fault! I think I'm running out of things to say. Oh yeah the weather! Today reminded me of those clips I would see of the North Pole, or as Chris would call it, Pedofile Island. CUz you know he hates Santa? Anyway, yeah the snow was falling and it was windy, cooool. It would have been even more cool if a polar bear came and like mauled Cindy or something, essssh this tea evil. HAHAHAHA. Speaking of the weather, that was one of the first questions I asked my pen pal, "how's the weather?". I should really email her back, last mail I got from her was on October 23rd or so, IT'S ON MY LIST OF THINGS TO DO, RIGHT NEXT TO "WATER THE PLANTS". My mom already waters the plants for me...I can't ask her to mail my pen pal too. :( Shit I could have spent this time writing her a letter instead of posting in this hell hole. She mailed me once, oh man so bad, all my friends liked her sister! They're like "yo! is that her?!", "no.. thats her older much hotter sister..", "aw man you suck, mail her sister from now on!", "". Her name's Aiko! and she's from Japan, I don't remember the prefecture by heart but she said she could see mount Fuji, soo..thats good. Her mom visited Canada before annd last time I mailed her she said she had a boyfriend and liked dancing. Her writing isn't that bad, better then some people I know here *cough* *cough* ronny *cough* *cough*. Ok shit it's 702, I should really start cleaning now if I want to sleep early. Damn I can drag-on.

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