Sunday, February 06, 2005

Stupid Superbowl.

Its the night of the superbowl. My parents are at a party, my brother is at his friends house. I am stuck here bored shitless, starving. I forgot to go and get the groceries for today which was a bigass mistake. So the fridge is empty, the freezer is full of crap that doesnt look too appetizing, I don't feel like getting poisoned from an instant noodle...

So I ordered pizza. Pizza Hut to be exact. $15 bucks for a small pizza. What. The. Fuck. And I have no choice but to pay it, My parents took both sets of the car keys so I can't go out and get something. I don't care if I get caught driving with a g1, my fucking stomach is pissed off. I can sass my way out of a cop situation easily. Pizza Hut, Fuck You and Die.

Yesterday was fun. I had to get up early as per every saturday and get that fucking injection. Then we had to pack up and drive to our cousins house for a full day. Chinese New Year dinner. All my cousins were there. We played a game of poker with 6 people, and I won :D. Luck was with me that night. After, It was time to go pick up a whole roasted pig from some place. We got into my cousins awesome Mazda3Mobile and went to pick it up. Chinese supermarkets are crowded during cny. We brought back, more food was cooked blah blah blah. We ate, watched dodgeball, and started another poker game with 8 people and I won again. I don't get it, my cousins are awesome players who even went to vegas to play, but I won. And when I play with ppl from mowat, I always lose, and thats with money. They mustve been holding back.

Yea, that was saturday. Oh yea, the day before, I bought an add-on for my iPod, called iTrip. It transmits music to any stereo with FM frequencies. Any Frequency. On the way to my cousins, there was this jackass that was blasting his crappy sounds from flow 93.5, disturbing my grandparents. I tuned the thing to 93.5 and invaded his channels. He got a full dose of Scat Man, I hope he liked it. You could hear the beat change significantly from his car too, lol. Although from that distance, it would have played both things over eachother, he wouldnt be able to enjoy any of them. I highly recommend iTrip to piss your friends off.

Friday night, Ill sum it up fast:
Bills house, Scarborough Town, RT, Subway, Eaton Center, Some park, More Eaton Center, McDonalds, bought that damn thing, Tea Shop, Home. I believe its all on Bills AA.

The fauxtest with pictures can be viewed here.

And my pizza will be here soon. I also have Heart of Darkness to read. 150 pages. I didn't start yet, and theres a quiz on tuesday and a shitload of questions.

Also, to start a flamewar with Prasanth, you're a jerk.
vvvvvvvv The comment button is down there PV.

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