Tuesday, February 22, 2005

physics class

another boring day in physics. this new teacher is okay, cept he blabs on and on and on about the homework solutions. oh yeah, he's also got this doll named "Mr. Physics", which he uses to demonstrate the laws of physics. some would say it's sick and would probably freak out, 'cuz the doll is a baby. i for one am FINE! with it. since i find babies are little annoying bastards. yeah sure, i was one, but my mommie said i was silent and well groomed. SO HA! kinda werid how he talks to it though. he's got this special bond with the doll, told us a story of how kids stole it and he was willing to pay $150 to get it back. im worried.

wow we have some weird teachers at mowat. ummm, i should really post about them one day. like Ms. Hickling who eats chalk. OH MAN MARK HAS A VIDEO OF IT TOO.

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