Friday, October 01, 2004

sniff sniff

Whats that smell? This area's been smelling like the beach for the last couple of days. Meh. Anyway, today I thought I put my cellphone in the laundry. So I freaked out and ran downstairs, of course, I didn't put it in the laundry. It was on the coffee table looking all smartassy.

I've been irratated alot lately. I don't know why. Well some I do, others I don't. I wonder if this is how P.M.S is like? Maybe? Gotta buy some Tim Hortons coffee, no offense to my mom. Also been lazy and tired lately, probably due to this god damn internet. STOP DISTRACTING ME! Should be doing chemistry. Oh yeah today we had the "Hot sauce shots" during lunch time. It's for our school's spirit week, for juniors. Anyway, they were all up on the lunchroom tables taking shots of different types of hot sauce. During the second shots, some kids were already looking troubled. So me being the mean one, got up with a cup of water and started drinking water in they're faces. Then I made individual attacks, went up to some kind, maybe 4 inches away from his face, and just drank my sweet sweet water. On the contrary the water was disturbingly warm, me and Spenta got it from the school fountains, BUT he didn't know that. Muhahaha that poooor bastard. I have to admit that kid is serious about his sport (hot sauce shot-ing?), he didn't blink AT ALL. If I had to put my money on a kid, I would have picked him. The two brown kids looked weak, but one of them proved me wrong. Bah, it's a win win situation for me.
Afterwards during spare, Zuszi (I think thats how you spell it T__T) let me listen to this Blink 182 song, OMG SO FUNNY. It's like 40 seconds long and all they do is SWARE. My favourite part is the one about the grandpa who eats SEVEN god damn hotdogs and "shit shit, shit his pants". She knows the whole song off heart, so funny. Then Andrew told her about Hentai, and she wrote it down becuase she had never heard of it before. OMG WE CORRUPT HER. She told me about something called "Bonsai Kitten" (google it), which I just found out is a hoax. Ummm, I should tell her. Drew brought up the whole Mean Girls thing to Zuszi. The second he did, she turned at looked at me and they both started laughing. I HAVE TO SEE THIS GOD DAMN MOVIE! DAMN YOU "KEVIN GNAPOOR!!!!"

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