Wednesday, October 20, 2004

true story

1 day I got off work. Kent called and said, "Yoyoyo man! are you off work?!", and I replied "No", then he goes, "Yeah you did!", me being lazy replied "Ok fine". OK fuck this is hard to type, typing this another way.
- freaking LEGEND -
^0^ = Kent
>=( = me
Y_Y = ronny

^0^ : Yyoyo so what we doing?!
>=( : i donno, I'm going home
Y_Y : ssssup
>=( : ! wtf?
^0^ : nonono i thought we're doing something today
>=( : like what? TEA SHOP?!
^0^ : yeah
>=( : but u guys dis that ...

OKay, fuck this, long god damn phone call short, they talked me into going to the tea shop. So we got our tea, oh yeah they come in cups now. GLASS CUPS. Then we just sat they're talking. SOon we left, I felt like taking a shit. So I was like, oh fuck not this again. I just said, "I need to shit", then they said some other things. Soon we were on your way back to Eaton Center, so I can lighten my load. Ronny came up with a great idea, he suggested we go into this smaller mall thingy, where theyImage Hosted by have a washroom. It was like, one crosswalk away from Eaton Center. I didn't complain, but had my doubts. So we go in, go down a level, come up to a big fucking sign that reads "WASHROOMS CLOSED", then I swore off a little while Ronny took pictures. Back up, cross the street andImage Hosted by in Eaton Center. I REALLY had to go now, and was about to go to the washroom I had in mind, and KENT goes "Yo PV, look washroom, right there, it's closer, go here". Why did I listen? I don't know.. I went to it, it was locked. I JUST RAN TO THE OTHER WASHROOM, but then damn people were watching me, so I had to look casual. Finally, I got in to a washroom.
@#%^^$%@$%^#$@&%!~!! BEST SHIT EVER
And I made sure to say that. Alot.


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