Friday, April 08, 2005

the dictionary game

yesterday in chemistry, after the lesson, chris found and old worn out dusty dictionary. sooo, WE PLAYED THE DICTIONARY GAME! you know the one! where you say something then flip the pages and randomly pick some letter and thats the answer?

so our game went like this:
chris: you will lose your virginity to a--- *flip flip flip* ...billionaire!?
me: hahahahahahahaha! sucka! my turn!
me: you will lose your virginity to aa---- *flip flip flip* ...LION!!? HAHAHAHAHA!!
chris: *silent*

ms.hickling: *looks over at us*
me: oh we're playing the dictionay game, im going to lose my virginity to a billionaire while chris will lose his to a lion.
ms.hickling: *puts her head down trying not to laugh hard*
chris: i have a small penis :( [ok i made that up, but i bet he does]
we stopped there since class was over.

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