Sunday, March 27, 2005

my only onnnnneeeeeeeeee, my onlyyy onnneeeeeeeeeee, my only onnnneeeeeeee

tim whoretins is really starting to piss me off. ahhhh, wtf?! they used to be SO GOOD. now it's all about rush rush rush, forgeting to mark coffees, rushing caps on so u get the f'ing coffee spilling on your hands as you try to put ON the cap, and then you have those retarded morons who don't know how to PUSH BUTTONS!!! those bastards ahhhhh i miss the good ol days. when the old ladies used to run timmies, they knew where the shit was. shit, im thinking of going to Coffee Time lately, COFFEE TIME!!!! OF ALL COFFEE STORES!! COFFEE TIME!!! YOU KNOW!! THE ONES THAT ARE THE SAME F'ING COLOR AS CIBC, OHHHH MANNN I DON'T EVEN WANT TO START WITH THOSE CIBC FUCKERS! Thats how dissapointed i am with timmies right now. im going to be buying my coffee at local places for a while now, well cept tmr morning, and mr.beans. mr.beans is retarded too, a bean?
timmies sucks

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