Thursday, March 31, 2005

concrete in my vainnnnnsssss

sorry about the title, been listening to Billy Talent all last night. now i keep hearing echos. overall today was a depressing day. i dono why, must be the weather, lack of sleep and the music. very dim today, some showers, but still nice temp, thank god. this morning my lunchbox opened in my bag and i got like noodles all over my stuff. it was too early in the morning for to care, i just cleaned it. i got pissed later in the afternoon though, when my calculator was oily. seems like everyone was tired and quiet today. usually my geometry class is loud and lively, today it was just dead silent and dull. even Zhang was quiet, which if you know him, it's a big thing.

got sorta better in computer science. adam brought Monty Python and the Holy Grail. it wasn't THAT funny, most of the time i just laughed cuz everyone else was. also I really didn't see how every scene was "amazing", mike kept on saying "oh this is amazing" for like every scene. the only scene i found funny was when the black knight lost both his hands AND feet in battle, yet still wanted to fight. i just realzied i have alot of unfinished bottles of water in my room, i should really be more... whats that word? conservative? meh.

after school i went to the multi-cultural thingy rehersal. me, justin, steph, and other people just sat on the seats and tried to get work done as we waited for our turn. we were last. throughout that time i got to hear alot of music. liem was playing coldplay, which was nice, almost fell asleep. wow, alot of people play musical instruments, i felt left out. damnit, what the hell was i doing as a lil kid? i should have learned some instrument! the only insturment i ever played for a long time is the friggin Recorder. i should really go out and buy one and go around school playing it. i'll be like the kids with the guitars and shit, i'll sit in the hallway, playing my Recorder. actually, i might start some kind of Recorder trend.... or not, probably not.

okay, time to do some worrrrrrrrrrrkkkk......ahhhhhhh. this is one long week.
: sorry about the whining.


shan-lin said...

when'd u take that picture of me? i don't remember...

prasanth said...

it was taken by Bill and it was on one of the last days of school last year.