Saturday, June 04, 2005

i hate little kids

Wondering if my reason is the same as yours? I'll tell you mine, THEY'RE LOUD AND DUMB!!!! Seriously!! WHO THE HELL SAYS HI TO THE SUN AND TREES AND PLANTS AND MONKEY-JEMS?!!! WHO!?

I had no sleep, my eyes burn, my foot hurts, and im TRYING to read my Dose and these THREE LITTLE MONSTERS started their VERBAL RAMPAGE on the subway, worst of all im sitting right at the back of the cart, againest the wall, surround by these little bastards and their Dora gear. UP-YOURS TOO DORA!!

So heres how my readings go:
"Coldplay's dream of getting it's first No. 1 single in, HI TREE!!, two years was shattered when, HI CLOUD!, HI CAR!, BYE CAR!!, HI CAR!!, BYE CAR!!, BYE HOUSE!!, the band was one-upped by a, HI JUNGLE-JEM!!, HI SLIDE!!, HI SAND!!, HI PLAYGROUND!!, frog. BYE SAND!!


cls said...

lol, sorry for throwing you down on the concrete again. I misjudged the distance :(

And sorry for kicking you in after too lol.

prasanth said...

didn't i already tell you it was alright. my head is as hard as rock