Wednesday, August 04, 2004

2003 Flushes

Back in the humble beginnings of the company there was a man with a dream. His dream was to manufacture and market a product that not only outperformed popular toilet bowl cleanser 2000 Flushes, but also beat likely competitor 2001 and 2002 Flushes. The answer: 2003 Flushes. Unfortunately, he was never able to perfect the technique of cleansing the bowl more than 2000 times, so instead he added a secret ingredient: napalm. As the toilet neared 2000 flushes the napalm inside would ignite, incinerating the entire bathroom and everything inside. Thus nobody ever knew that 2003 Flushes in fact only cleaned with the first 2000 flushes. The product sold like hotcakes, and those 2000 Flushes bitches never recovered. That man with a dream became stupid wealthy, living out his days performing dark rituals and making his own ice cream.

Thank you, Something Awful.

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