Thursday, October 26, 2006

pv's one minded post

Things that annoy me when I'm trying to get from point A to point B.

Holy shit I never knew so many dillholes (link, cept 1&7) love taking the subway. Yay! Look you fucking idiot, stand on one side of the fucking escalator. Unlike you're lazy dumbass, some people actually get up in the morning to GO somewhere, not STAND anywhere. Then you have the person who just ... like walking slowwww. Hey whatever that's great for you, just don't fucking do it during rush hour. It's fucking RUSH HOUR, not I'M-FUCKING-STUPID HOUR. Speaking of FUCKING STUPID, hey did you know a subway car gots lotsa space PAST the doors??!? YEAH NO WAY! That's crazzzy! I thought I should just walk in.. then immediatly STOP! And STAND there! Who cares about the losers behind me who are trying to get in. Why don't they notice only 2 people can stand at the door! 3 at most! GAWD... *sigh*

People who drive like they own the universe... from the begining of time, and they invented time too, jusssst to piss us off, 'cuz apparently it doesn't matter to them anyway! HEY MR.BUSINESS GUY! Do you mind breaking that cell phone on your face and concentrate on that left turn WE'RE ALL WAITIN ONNN? Oh and turn signals, I know the name's confusing and all which is why this is such a big issue in the first place. Annnnd I also know it must be a pretty busy life being the Head of Fucks an' all, but please, try to take some time out and learn this mundane concept. It might save you're life one day! OR here's a wonderful thought! Might just save someone else's! wooooaaahooww

Concession stands. The concession stand is for eve‧ry‧onn [ev-ree-wuhn, -wuhn]! Go hump the wall or something.


prasanth said...

imposter! that can't be my mai

Anonymous said...

of course it is, how else would i know that your darker than tar on asphalt at midnight....