Friday, September 22, 2006

end of summer

The last day of summer is here. I can't really say summer went by fast, but it didn't feel slow either. It had a good pace. Of course that's my opinion. The leaves are have already started to fall, I just noticed it the other day when I found one stuck to my windshield. Also getting colder outside :'(.

I bought a book today. It's called Vampire Hunter D: Tale of the Dead Town, pretty good. It's got vampires, and people, and something called an "ahampire". I don't know what exactly an "ahampire" is, but apparently the main character is one. He's also very cool and quiet. Reminds me of Squall from FF8 (best FF ever you fucking bastards!!). Anyway, it was only like $10, so I'd say it was a good deal. There is also an anime based on the same concept, also manga. This however is a novel. It's got some pictures in it though, pretty pretty pictures.

Anyway, I better start reading.
Goodbye summer!

That's that crazy chalk drawing guy. Today he was drawing Superman.

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