Saturday, September 09, 2006


So, first week of university is over for me. I had to say, other then my "critical thinking" class, everything was pretty cool. Met a few people, mostly just today, and ran in to lotsa old friends. Met a very old friend today, Humayun (pronouced: who-my-un). Knew him since grade 6; back in Sprucecourt. In fact, if it wasn't for him I would have never got in to Harry Potter. Yeah how I got it is an odd story. We had these gay reading periods in class back in grade 8, and I didn't bring a book. So, my teacher sent me to the library to get one, but I ran in to Humayun on the way and he lent me his Harry Potter, with gay pokemon stickers on the cover. Yepp.

Crazy, I hope I see more old faces. I'm also thinking of joining clubs, if my schedule permits :'(, working and schooling is very time consuming. There are some pretty intersting clubs, like Akido and Fencing.

My Orgy Behav/Inter Skills Prof. seems to be a cool guy. Thats about it. God damnit, can't wait to get the labtop on friday. I'm in IT and I don't have my labtop yet. Alright, time for bed, work tmr.

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