Sunday, July 09, 2006

world cup saved thanks to headbutt

Wow, what a way to end a career. As Chris said, "there's only two ways to end it, go out with a world cup win, or out with a world cup headbutt to an italian's chest". I think thats what he said? I'll ask him after work. But yeah?!? shocker

I don't get it, every team I wanted to see take the cup, LOST. Brasil, Germany, Argentina, and now France. If it wasn't for that awsome headbutt, this world cup would have been a disaster. God, I hope Zidane writes a biography or something. I'd buy it.

Seriosuly?! Italy 2006?!? fucking great. Oh and I heard about how Brasilian "fans" broke down a Ronaldinho statue and lit it on fire... YAH, AAWSOME SUPPORT BRASIL.

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