Thursday, January 21, 2010

Never too early for film talk

Couldn't sleep, well I did, but I woke up. I also got a stomach ache. A friend of mine once told me, "Don't force yourself to sleep if you can't", so I'm not. I'm not just going to be here rambling, I'm gonna do some net surfing too, and listen to this new Richard Marx album I got.

I fixed up this picture a little in Photoshop before I posted it. Nothing serious, just raised the color a bit, and sharpened for the screen. I really like film. Film does an incredible job with handling such a great dynamic range of light. Exposures with film, I know I don't have to worry about the background so much, especially the extremes, such as the sky or the shadows.

With this picture, you can see the sky isn't blown out to some super ugly white sky, or the dark areas of the buildings in the background aren't just completely black. When I shot this, it was an overcast sky and the sun was getting ready to go down. The film I used for this shot was Fuji film Provia 100 I think, it's a 120 roll. I took this from a friend of mines' building. Something about this light pole, when I saw it I knew I had to take a picture of it.

I wish I had a good medium format scanner, and lots of $ for film and development. I really like shooting medium format and film in general. They better not stop making it. I plan to use it as long as I can. There's something special about it I can't explain. It's like the difference between running on a treadmill in some crowded stinky gym or running barefoot outside on a sandy beach, feeling the cool air against your body and hearing the sounds of waves approaching the shore. LLLaammeeeee... I know shudup. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's more human.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a shit. Goooodnight!

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