Sunday, January 17, 2010

Goodbye cave, hello cheese storm

It's been a long time since I blogged about anything. I have a lot to say, but usually I'm too lazy to say it, or I'm too embarrassed. I figured it's time to stop being lazy, and start being productive and true to myself.

Today has been a hard day, but also a day that has made me truly look at myself and face my weakness. I finally just broke apart today. I've been holding my pieces together, but I was a fool to think I could do it forever. I've learned I'm weak sometimes, just like everyone. I'm not some super human who can fix is own problems without the help of others. I've realized, friends, if they truly are your friends, won't judge you, but will help you no matter what. They will help guide you out of that dark cave, as super cheesy as that sounds.

I'm going to try to be more open, starting here. So for anyone who comes by, I sorry for this cheesy as post. For someone else, I'm sorry, I will truly try my best to be a better man from now on.


1 comment:

mai said...

good.keep it up.