Wednesday, April 19, 2006

heads up 7up

Been meaning to post some things lately, just can't seem to find any time, or remember to. But I gotta put something down just so people get a heads up since time's been flying lately. Alex's school play is happening on May 11 & 12, from 6pm to 11pm, to be safe. It's a two day thing. So if you're done exams and wanna come let me know, I think tickets cost $5 and go on sale a week before? But yeah, heads up. How many times did I say heads up there? It's pretty nice, last year he was a fat ass jockey who killed his race horse, this year he's got extreme erectile difficulties. So yeah... =D Come support our fat-assed dysfunctional Alex. Muuwhahaahhaha

Oh it's a musical too, so I'm guessing he has to sing. I'd pay to see that.

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