Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I lost my grandma in November of last year. Still feels weird saying my, my grandma. I would say, "my mother's mom passed away", not, "my grandmother". Just because I don't think we were that close... and it wouldn't be fair to sound all of a sudden close to this women. To all of a sudden talk about her as if I talked to her all the time. Ironic, I sure wish I knew her more. So many things I wish I asked her while I was there, all those times I wasted, just sitting doing nothing, listening to the cd player, reading some dumb book. Old people are like a pot of gold. Yes, like the ones at the end of the rainbow. One long long rainbow, filled with your family's past. Filled with stories, secrets, sorrow. You got to get to the end, before it disappears.

So start chasing :)

Oh and I'm alright :D, I always am. My aunt jokingly said my grandpa stole her away from us. But that got me thinking, we're Hindu, how does the whole reincarnation thing apply? Drew said I could be an animal too, I thought I could only be a human. Mmmm, anyhow, I imagine my granddad would be a bull, with big horns. My grandma can be a beautiful cow, with black spots, like the dairy milk boxes. And they're both happily destroying someone's garden together >:)