Sunday, October 23, 2005

cute loveable bigears & evil kitty

Today I decided to finally go developed that film taked at Nigara Falls, you know, the day the jeep broke down on our way back... Anyway, I had a few shots left so I took some shots at STC, mainly the pet store.

Tadaaaa, here's Bigears! He was asleep, can't blame him, it's sunday. Actually, come to think of it, he's asleep most of the time, wow they're so similar to us. He's a french bulldog, they're so cute with their funny big ears. I also risked my life and managed to get a picture of this really evil looking cat, just to show everyone the truth, cats are evil and dogs are cute, and funny, and better then cats! AHAA! Don't believe me? Take a look.




cls said...

So... Is that dog dead? Or just... well theres nothing else to say.

I think that dog is dead.

prasanth said...

god damnit you guys! it is asleep! and your YOUR INFORMATION IT WAS BEHIND GLASS SHIELD, which i couldn't break.

Anonymous said...

You're awesome