Sunday, July 31, 2005

Fucking shit.

Dell is sending me a new hard drive. Yay. Still lost everything though.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

the night Chris got run over

random fotto from past:

Remember this Chris? I remember it like it was yesterday. You got run over because it was dark and your eyes are always like this -__-, so you didn't see the giant truck. Luckly, my magic pee brought you back to life. You owe me buddy, hows about we go get some coffee?

rise and shine

God damnit I wish I still had that camera with me, so bright outside. I haven't been up this early, LOL! When I was writing that sentence I swear I was thinking "early" but I wrote "haven't been up this late", SEE! THATS HOW LONG IT HAS BEEN! My brain body and brain just realized it. Its amazing, I'm not just up either. I actually brushed my teeth, ate corn flakes, cleaned and sweept my room, played a track on Turismo and finally transfered the photos from the mem card to a flash drive Ronny got me, thanks Ron. I think I know where I'm getting all this energy from, and no it's not coffee. Looks like a great day ahead.

Can't forget last night. Thank you Ralph for letting me help, hahaahahah he will never see this, but I owe him. Oh and told'ya, I don't feel sick at all! How could I possibly, ever? :)

Oh and I must say. K-Os and Bob Marley sound especially great in the morning.

Here are some fottos from GT4:

Friday, July 29, 2005


i just got off the phone with Mai, i can't sleep. how could I? so much in my mind, it's traveling so fast, i have to write it down before i forget, and we all know how bad my memory is. it's funny, i know im going to be embarrased of this post tommorow morning, i'll say "wow you really got caught in the moment eh?" ... i know i will. but you know? maybe we all just need to stay in that moment. that moment, you know what i mean. we've all had it, makes us feel all funny inside, makes yes say stupid things, and..and when we look back at it, we go.. "wow... i can't believe it"

thats how we'll stay togethor, no matter how many different directions we go off in, don't you ever forget those moments. those moments, those moments are what will keep us togethor, forever, wherever.

i can't believe im sitting on top of a pile of folded clothes writing this.

pv the crazy

...i think i can get some sleep now.

Monday, July 25, 2005

i love fan

I haven't really made a serious thoughtful post here in a looooong time. Infact, Andrew, that bastard, might even argue to say I've never made a serious thoughtful post, ever. That will all change someday, not now though. I'm just dropping by to say how I want a credit card. They sell alot of funny shit on the internet, but I need a damn credit card to purhase them. Damnit I'm 18, I should get one! Can I get one? I don't think my parents approve of them, but I need to start building a credit history right? Right? Am I right here folks? Chris sucks?

Anyway, here's the t-shirt I really want. It says
You're Handsome, backwards. Finally, a shirt up to par with pv's god-like looks. And now the flamming begins.

Here's the product description on the site:
Absolutely brilliant. People will look at you and be like "Wha... wha... Wow." Then you'll look at yourself in a mirror and think to yourself that you're not only handsome, but awesome as well.

Yepp, perfect.


just listened to the music that has been on this blog since july 17
my condolences to the people who had to endure that for the past week
i i i cant use punctuation or grammar because of that tune my brain is fried
oh oh god
i didnt know it was on someone switched the song and i cant hear it because i used firefox
oh god
oh god
oh god

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Darknights Day One

All the photos I took today are located there.

I just had too :)

I don't edit your posts beans. Don't edit mine.

I Hear You

Some people really piss me off

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Some ways people talk really piss me off.

Monday, July 18, 2005

i need to learn how to sing

i need to learn how to sing

Sunday, July 17, 2005

disco fever

Chris sounded a bit drunk on the phone. I wonder if we will decide to go dance. It will probably look like this.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I was wrong.

This math course isn't so bad. Thank god I took it. One of the math professors for MAT135 or MAT137 or something told us that the majority of High School students aren't prepared for University Calculus, which I found true. The first day, we learnt something that we were suposed to be taught at Mowat but we never were. Then the next day, we learn't something else. These were the Floor of, and Integrals. At least I won't be screwed.

Anyways, there is a lecture from 9:00AM to 11:30AM and three tutorial sessions from 12:00PM to 2:00PM. The three tutorials occur at the same time, but they differ by skill level.
The first day, I went to the intermediate level as I wasn't sure whether it would be difficult or not. Big mistake. It was too fucking easy, plus the guy wasn't exactly fluent in English. So I went to the harder tutorial, the highest level. Much better. The first day, we learnt about the Banarh-Tarske Paradox. I am too lazy to describe it, but here is a quote from some website:

"Did you know that it is possible to cut a solid ball into 5 pieces, and by re-assembling them, using rigid motions only, form TWO solid balls, EACH THE SAME SIZE AND SHAPE as the original? This theorem is known as the Banach-Tarski paradox."

Today, the Chaos Theory was mentioned, but I havn't looked that one up yet. Also, we looked at Seripinski's Triangle, which is pretty interesting as well. Also learnt that the proof for (for any number greater than 6, it can be composed of two prime integers or something) doesn't exist yet, and to whoever discovers it, there is a reward. One million dollars, A Ph. D, and the proof being named after you, which got me thinking, What happens if the mathematician who discovers the proof is named Dr. Ass. Will it be Ass's theory of ____? Or the Theory of Ass? But I digress. It would be awesome to win that prize.

I have decided to try something different now. As I am going into Computer Science, there are different specialist programs you can go into such as Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Computer Graphics, etc. Originally I had wanted Soft. Eng. Then after reading this book which talks about the study of the brain and theories on A. I., I wanted to try Artificial Intelligence. But now, I think that the best path is the new specialist program, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. There could be more jobs in the future for me, developing drugs and stuff, or studying biology with the aid of computer science. It sounds interesting, and I will be doing some more research for sure. However, I will have to take BIO150Y in first year, and that requires Gr12 Bio. Fuck. I don't have that, so my only option is to visit the faculty of Zoology next week to talk to some person named Janet or something about a possible exemption or extra. However, this option will probably take me further, so I can get that M.D. I originally wanted to try for a Ph. D. in Soft. Eng.

I am going to have to work my ass off. Which I don't mind because I used to be addicted to video games. Lately I don't really care about them. I havn't touched the Playstation in almost 3 weeks. I have almost deleted all the games off my computer, which I used to have an abundance of a year ago. I just find them as interesting anymore. I've been doing more research and stuff more than gaming. That and sleep.

But I'm afraid my performance in High School will prevent me from doing the things I want. I should have tried. To quote a great movie, "It's not that I'm lazy [Bob], It's just that I don't care." But that's changed. I noticed I can focus a lot more easily now. Maybe it's just that I hated Mowat, but I'll miss it. Well... some of it.

But yeah, we'll see what the future holds. There is more than one way to obtain the stuff I need. We'll see what I have to do.

This shit is confusing.

Monday, July 11, 2005

My Summer Art Project

Hopefully this will help me master vectors. My goal is to trace this:

hot, sweaty, and sticky.

My fan is a handicap. It can't blow air straight, and its had a giannnnt dead spot in the middle, where there is completly noooo air! And to make it worse, you have to use like friggin trigonometry to postion the damn thing correctly to get some decent air blowing on you. After going to, I can't help but want to take this thing to the field, play "Die mother***kers! Die mother***kers!" and beat the electromagnatic shit out of it. When I'm done with it, my aluminium bat will be magnatically charged...yes im elite. Atleast I know one person is proud of that sentence...and that is Durywn. Thanks D.

The picture today is an ad I saw on the Tribute magazine. I saw it that day we went to see Madagascar, which was a long while ago, but I just got my scanner back from that bastard Drew yesterday. I think its nice, it was to do with some deodorant called "Ban", but I cut that out.

Oh im hunry... I will go see if there are eggs, going to try this recipe for Orange Julep. The last time I had that was years ago at the Giant Orange in Montreal. Also the last time I cooked for myself was in grade 9. Weee here I go.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

watching Eva again

Yeah, as the title says, I'm watching Evangelion again. Yes, Smelly, it's anime. One of my favourite. It's amazing how you notice all the little things that you missed the first time.

Nothing else new, I'm looking forward for tomorrow though. I hear Staples is hiring, Chris said he will drive me >=D, thanks slave. Mmm, these FF posters are getting old, I need Eva posters, or maybe more stolen ones from the subway. Oh yeah and I also need to pick up my damn scanner from Drew's, if you read this DREW I'm comming to pick it up.

Mmm, this radio-blog is getting old, also I'm not updating it. I wonder if people actually use it, or just look at it and go : "..." Well only a few people actually listen to what I do, so that figures. Anyway, maybe I should take it down and put up an iframe linking to something else. Maybe a image gallery? I do take fottos alot. Ahhh but practically everyone does that, and 56k people will hate me.

It seems to me that, everyone is a god-damn perfectionist, cept me. I've read somewhere that if you feel satisfied after you pee your not a perfectionist... After I read that I got all thought-aware when I pee and now I can't decide. fcuk

Friday, July 08, 2005

Pics from Alex's b-bday lunch.

Here they are, the pictures covering yesterday. Press "autoscroll" for it to automatically scroll! It's in chronological order and covers the entire party, cept the places where we took no pictures. Let me know if the scroll speed should be increased, right now its slow and steady. Mouse over for info, I suggest using IE since Firefox shortens my tooltips, bad Firefox! Great day :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

one of the bestest day ever!

Today was one awwwwwwwwwwwwwsome day. Ronny's senior admirer. Kent playing basketball was classic, that will forever stay in my mind. And how could I forget my Dr.Mai, it really did help I swear. Vaaaaaaaaanakcome! I wish I brought the camera damnit!

something for the summer

I got a great new idea for a mini flash series! It simple, stupid, and should be relativily fast to make. It will be awsome! I'll work on the first episode either tmr night or friday! Till then, this will remain here reminding me.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blog Music

I added some music to the blog. It's Snoop Dog, since he seems to be so fucking popular for some reason.

Music Credit:

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

poor Drew

"This Orangebread girl won't talk to me! And that other guy just left! I sent him a party invite too! What a bastard!" - Drew having woment and guy trouble in Maple

Even in a game Drew...

bunny suicides

I was doing some random surfing again, and came across this site. It's a site with well drawn cartoony images of a Bunny. A bunny who keeps suiciding. I love it. I personally like the Alien one.

Well today was interesting. This morning we were late for a little lunch get together because Andrew had to become a freaking magician in Maple Story before he could leave. I feel like a nerd. Kent came online too, so we both helped level up the bastard. Total nerds.

At the pizza shop we took forever choosing the pizza and toppings, I'm surprized the lady didn't get mad. Good thing we didn't have the regular bastard, that guy is a freaking rip-off. Anyway after pizza we headed over to newly built Playground/Park near Spenta's house. Yes, we hung out at the playground. I rode a Beluga Whale, it was great. Chris came later, and Spenta left. She got a ride from her daddy; Spenta lives less then 5 minutes away from the Park by the way. It was funny 'cause we kept saying she's going to call for a ride, and she did. The first thing Chris asked once he arrived was,
"What's that white stuff on that thing?". You sick bastard. Any im feeling tired now, all this hot weather is making me sleepy, I might sleep. Arrrggh, still no calls from anywhere I applied. =__=

Sunday, July 03, 2005


This is the last straw. Two days ago, this bigass, inch by inch in size spider lands on my arm, wakes me up, and jumps off. It was black, with yellow markings on its back. Me being the idiot, I flicked it away and then tried to find it after I found something to kill it with. I was not successful.

Yesterday, three moths somehow find their way into my room, and start flapping around the only light source in my room... my LCD on my laptop. So I turn the lights on, and they go and rest on some stupid cardboard box in my room. I shot them with my soft airgun, and they like exploded into little pieces, nothing left but a small hole in the cardboard. That'll teach em. I hope that spider was watching. That was the only fun part I have had with insects in the past few days.

Right now, I am looking at my ceiling. Right now, I am looking at probably 100 little spiders crawling all over my ceiling. They descend on their little strings and land. I am not sure what they are doing, but I can tell you they are not welcome. I made a little game out of this too. I have a lighter, and a can of axe. As soon as one descends... you guessed it, I roast it with a nice little mini flamethrower. There are no traces of them.

But still, when I sleep tonight, they are going to kill me or something so I don't think I'll be in here even after I spent the last day cleaning up. I will find that damned spider, and when I do, I will cut its legs off and microwave it. Where it landed on my arm itches and I will not forgive him for that, nor will I let him go and give him the chance to come back. He will die.

I can't wait to move in downtown.

It's unfinished, but this is the best part.