Today I went to see the jerkface cuz I have this god damn skin condition. Ever since I got this problem I asked him to make me a dermatoligist appointment or atleast fucking explain the damn thing to me. He just doodles down something upside down on paper and tells me to take it to the pharmacy. My parents just tell me to respect him cuz he's older, smarter and has a longer name then me. DAMN BROWN PARENTS!! Can't blame my parents though... his name IS pretty damn long. Today was different. The waiting room was empty and I got called up as soon as I god ID'ed. The usual, I reminded him who I was. He commented on my hair, then I showed him my empty container. He started doodling again, I asked him if I can have an appiontment again. He replyed "get this". I asked what is it for? Finally he said the name of the condition, AND ASKED ME IF I KNEW WHAT IT WAS? HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW?! Who the fuck is the doctor in the house?! YOU!!! I said "no", what else could I say. I asked him to explain it too me. He just named it like 6 times and finally wrote it down, upside down, and gave it too me. Then he asked me if I knew it again. This guy thinks he's so smart..errr. My dad told me if I can't stand him so much he'll get me another family doctor. I'm not running away, I'll get this bastard back one day.
Anyways here's what he wrote down, took me about 10 mins to decode this. *Notice the upside-down Robax man". Comment if you figure out what it is written.
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