Friday, March 04, 2005

Found one.

Found an Anti-Semitist. He purposely backs into jew's cars for kicks. Tsk Tsk.

What a horrible person! What would Mr. Jew Israel (the teacher who had his car hit) do anyways if he found this? Do your taxes? Unno. I gotta lay off the Jew jokes for a while. I don't really have anything against them, I just watched too much southpark. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get something out of the oven. And I left my car running in the garage, its becoming a gas chamber. Wha? There are weeds growing in my favorite plant too. I better spray some genocide on it. I mean herbicide.
I'll stop now.


tatc said...

so racist guy, lolz

prasanth said...

thats Chris Lee-Shanok people.

cls said...

Errrr.. Its not the true me, I just hate Mr. Israel. Bicos should have taken a larger chunk out of it.

prasanth said...

cGb haters!! member#1

tatc said...

damn joooooooo--z

cls said...

actually, it is anti-semitist

cls said...

You fell for my bait and proceded to correct me. This tells me that you have done previous research on this subject, and have a strong anti-semitic background. PWNED.