Monday, May 09, 2005

hating on Tobey

yes, im hating on Tobey Maguire, not that hard to believe? :D Here are some quotes from the first half-hour of the movie (spider-mam). HAHAHHA!
"who am i?
you sure you want to know?
the story of my life is not for the faint of heart,
if someone said it was a happy little tail, if someone told you i was just a average ordinary guy, not a care in the world.... somebody lied. " - all in monotone...
"the women i liked before i EVEN LIKED WOMEN!"

"i cryed like a baby when you played cinderalla"

my favorites,
"my name is ... the human spider!"
"go web!"
"up-up and away web!!"
"..go go ?!"
then he finally gets it and hits the sign. >=D!!

tobey walking

1 comment:

prasanth said...

everyone keep saying 2 is good... mm i really need to watch 2.