Friday, October 05, 2007

RIP Roxanne

_IGP2112, originally uploaded by phocrastinating.

This is the only thing I have left to remind me of Roxanne. The rim I dinged on that seriously fucked up pothole.

I remember that day like yesterday. Driving back from school, rainy, windshield fogged, construction, and BAM! Ran over a giant pothole, not only popping my tire, but denting my damn rim. My first flat tire. Roxanne sure taught me a lot of things. Responsibility, mechanics, women, you name it, she popped a tire for it.

Horatio Caine sure has some fucking big shoes to fill.


Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaa ha!

cls said...

Shoehorn the rim into Horiatio Kane! It's spirit will be consumed by the life force of Roxanne still living inside the rim. She will ride again.