Sunday, December 10, 2006

My alternate life

We sure spend a lot of our life in school. I mean it's great and all, don't get me wrong, education is awesome, they should make a XBOX game about it, it would sell gazillions. Or hell, make it for P$3.
But, wouldn't it be great if life was just a game. Not just any game, but like parts of all your favorite games put together to make like a super fun life. Mine would definitely be an RPG.

Let's see, what kind of story would it be? SAVING THE WORLD! Sort of like Legend of Dragoon and Final Fantasy VIII mixed together. The time period would be advanced medieval times, you know, with airships and magic. There would be lots of adventure and monster battles. Of course all my closest friends (and closest enemies) would be in the game. We'd all travel the world, leveling up, camping out, visiting new towns and resting in Inns.

The fighting will be like Monster Hunter and Shadow of Colossus, which if you played either of the game, is mind blowing! Life would be spent in the open, full of adventure and action. The world will be simple, no need to have a job or anything. Just kill a monster and you get gold. SIMPLE LIFE

Spend the nights following the stars, chatting among friends, in front of an open fire place, listening to the soundtrack of the earth (and some Nobuo Uematsu too). Never a dull moment.

But naahhh, I'm on this world. Thank god for video games :S

another ff8 fmv, and watch that Shadow of Colossus video, really well made. Here's ICO, another sad game :(

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