There were like three on the subway, all piled up on eachother, so I opened one of them and just randomly flipped pages, periodically stopping at pages that caught my eye. This one caught my eye, 'cause the comic reminded me of the Simpsons, the episode when they show the kids the "Sex Edu" video in class which features the two bunnies, that was funny :D, especially when the erotic music goes on and Ms.Krabappel goes "Pssssh, she's faking it". Hahahhhahah... Hmmm.. It's funny how I remember such dumb things like that, and completely forget my most important ones. Anyway, so I read the comic, and it made me laugh. So I carefully ripped it for safe keeping, and sharring of course. Click it for bigger view.
I just realized how it says "By: Matt Groening", I didn't know he made comics for news papers? Wow, this really puts things into perspective... ''-__- Oh oh, and If anyone hasn't YET seen "The History of Violence" GO NOW! IT'S AN AMZING EPIC FILM WHICH WILL "like totally" CHANGE YOUR VIEW OF "like" EVERYTHING!! ESPEICALLY STAIRS!! (it has for me). Thanks Smelly. For everything.
I also just remembered how me and Drew did the most funniest thing ever. We decided to take a picture of Drew with this hand on a mannequin's butt on his sisters school photography class camera. You know, those very life like ones at the Bay? I've already done that with Ronny and Kent, I'll post those pictures tmr. Anyway, so we're leaving RW & CO I think? So we're leaving and these two ladies are coming in and I go "So do you want to look up her skirt or touch her ass?", and Drew responds "I'll touch the ass", and the ladies like turn around and look at us. OKOK! IM SLEEPING NOW! SORRY!!
To tell you the truth. Yes. And and the part where his son is eating cereal and his mom comes running down the stairs with a shotgun and he's like, caps lock, WTF?!
pv = prv :)
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