Thursday, July 14, 2005

I was wrong.

This math course isn't so bad. Thank god I took it. One of the math professors for MAT135 or MAT137 or something told us that the majority of High School students aren't prepared for University Calculus, which I found true. The first day, we learnt something that we were suposed to be taught at Mowat but we never were. Then the next day, we learn't something else. These were the Floor of, and Integrals. At least I won't be screwed.

Anyways, there is a lecture from 9:00AM to 11:30AM and three tutorial sessions from 12:00PM to 2:00PM. The three tutorials occur at the same time, but they differ by skill level.
The first day, I went to the intermediate level as I wasn't sure whether it would be difficult or not. Big mistake. It was too fucking easy, plus the guy wasn't exactly fluent in English. So I went to the harder tutorial, the highest level. Much better. The first day, we learnt about the Banarh-Tarske Paradox. I am too lazy to describe it, but here is a quote from some website:

"Did you know that it is possible to cut a solid ball into 5 pieces, and by re-assembling them, using rigid motions only, form TWO solid balls, EACH THE SAME SIZE AND SHAPE as the original? This theorem is known as the Banach-Tarski paradox."

Today, the Chaos Theory was mentioned, but I havn't looked that one up yet. Also, we looked at Seripinski's Triangle, which is pretty interesting as well. Also learnt that the proof for (for any number greater than 6, it can be composed of two prime integers or something) doesn't exist yet, and to whoever discovers it, there is a reward. One million dollars, A Ph. D, and the proof being named after you, which got me thinking, What happens if the mathematician who discovers the proof is named Dr. Ass. Will it be Ass's theory of ____? Or the Theory of Ass? But I digress. It would be awesome to win that prize.

I have decided to try something different now. As I am going into Computer Science, there are different specialist programs you can go into such as Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Economics, Computer Graphics, etc. Originally I had wanted Soft. Eng. Then after reading this book which talks about the study of the brain and theories on A. I., I wanted to try Artificial Intelligence. But now, I think that the best path is the new specialist program, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. There could be more jobs in the future for me, developing drugs and stuff, or studying biology with the aid of computer science. It sounds interesting, and I will be doing some more research for sure. However, I will have to take BIO150Y in first year, and that requires Gr12 Bio. Fuck. I don't have that, so my only option is to visit the faculty of Zoology next week to talk to some person named Janet or something about a possible exemption or extra. However, this option will probably take me further, so I can get that M.D. I originally wanted to try for a Ph. D. in Soft. Eng.

I am going to have to work my ass off. Which I don't mind because I used to be addicted to video games. Lately I don't really care about them. I havn't touched the Playstation in almost 3 weeks. I have almost deleted all the games off my computer, which I used to have an abundance of a year ago. I just find them as interesting anymore. I've been doing more research and stuff more than gaming. That and sleep.

But I'm afraid my performance in High School will prevent me from doing the things I want. I should have tried. To quote a great movie, "It's not that I'm lazy [Bob], It's just that I don't care." But that's changed. I noticed I can focus a lot more easily now. Maybe it's just that I hated Mowat, but I'll miss it. Well... some of it.

But yeah, we'll see what the future holds. There is more than one way to obtain the stuff I need. We'll see what I have to do.

This shit is confusing.

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