Friday, February 04, 2005


guess what the fuck happened today? BRAD FUCKING KNOCKED OVER MY COFFEE!!! THAT ASSCAKE MONSTER!! WTF?! Seriously he's always hitting my desk in a gay manner!! I walked over to help Megan, turn around, and theres my beloved coffee cup rolling of the edge of the desk....pouring...pouring..and theres slack-jawed Brad looking moronly yet also like a deer-caught-in-headlights at my fucking coffee spilling all over the fucking ground. i never get mad, hardly, i mean who has seen me mad?? but this PISSED ME OFF. THATS MY FUCKING COFFEE MAN! ok it wasn't just the coffee, it was what he did next, HE DID NOTHING! just stood there STILL looking like a fucking deer-shocked-moron.

i went to the washroom and got god damn toilet paper 'cause our school decided it would be fucking awsome to see me walking around the hallways with a an afro of toilet paper in my hand, so they replaced the napkins with fucking retarded automated hand dryers, WHICH JUST ADDS ON MORE TIME AWAY FROM CLASS 'CAUSE YOUR FUCKING DRYING YOUR HANDS WITH A MACHINE THAT COULDN'T WARM UP A FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER. anyway back to coffee.

so there I was, standing in the hallway, being watched by our vp, holing the afro....waiting for the anthem to retard. as soon as it did, I got back to class. did my best with the tiolet paper, then Mr. GO got me some napkins, OHHH SO THE TEACHERS GOT THE FUCKING NAPKINSSS. There was Brad....just sitting there.. Holy fuck, I was so distracted during the group discussion, just picturing me axe kicking Brad in the face, or my coffee would transform, just like Tramsformers, into a giant ROBOT and BLOW BRAD UP TO DUST.

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