Sunday, January 02, 2005

you always want what you can't have

I wish you bluebirds in the spring

To give your heart a song to sing

And then a kiss, but more than this

I wish you love

And in july a lemonade

To cool you in some leafy glade

I wish you health

But more than wealth

I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

So with my best

My very best

I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all when snowflakes fall

I wish you love


My breaking heart and I agree

That you and I could never be

So with my best

My very best

I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm

A cozy fire to keep you warm

But most of all when snowflakes fall

I wish you love

Laura Fygi ? / Rosemary Clooney ?
I found this song yesterday, while I was backing up some stuff for jason. Found it in a folder called "fuckoff" in a CD I burnt a long time go. I think I remember where I first heard this song, I still lived at my old place. It was when they still called that channel CFMTV not freaking OMNI 1 or fuking 2, what they call it now. They aired HK movies late night and sometimes I actually watched them. Im not going to get detailed about that movie, all I know is some girl leaving to US for a new life but there's like this local radio host guy who loves her but understands her and knows he shouldn't "stop" her. Yeah, I'm skipping ALOT, but you get the gist. SO, while she's in the taxi going to the air port, the driver turns on the radio to that station and the host guy plays that song for her. Wait? Did she know he loved her? Fuck I forget, seems important. Anyway right now, I think alot of people I know can relate to this damn song and maybe even, LEARN from it. OR NOT, and I'm just bored. I wonder what I'm thinking at the back of my headddddd right now....ummmmmm...


shan-lin said...

i like CFMTV too!!, cause they actually have mandarin shows on there.....><

now omni just have canton, and and you have to pay extra for a mandarin channel, and >< haven't seen chinese news in so long

prasanth said...

whaa?! really?! those evil bastards

tatc said...

i like canton movies... errr