Friday, May 14, 2004

farewell dignity, helllooo sweet potato.

Today I got in my prefect form. It was due last week, but meh, Mrs. Maclean is nice ^__^. You wouldn't believe what I had to go through.

First of all, the meeting was orginaly in the library. They had this circular table set up where you sit in the middle. Luckly Mr. Anderson, our librarian, had to leave early becuase he promised to have dinner with his mom. So, I had to have mine in the caf. Which wasn't bad. Errr, cept this graduated mowat student guy came to help interview me. He graduated last year, and was on the prefects. ERRRRR So they try freaking me out with "If you pick the wrong color your automatically out", I picked blue first, of course.. it was pink. That was a joke though. Then I to tell a story, so I told the one about the bald frog -__^. FINALLY. I had to do something amazing, something that would make them go, "WHOA! YEAH! HE'S IN"... I couldn't think of anything. I told them to pick.


I had to sing the "I'm a barbie girl" song! On the table AND dance. AND THIS OTHER GIRL ONLY HAD TO STAND THERE AND SING SUN SHINE. They're just picking on me I sware. I actually did it though. WTF?!! THE FREAKING HALL MONITOR GUY WAS LOOKING AT ME, NOT DOING HIS JOB, AND SO WAS MADILL!!

I even had to do the girl voices and guy voices too. River danced. That one dude even went to the trouble of finding people outside to watch me. Thank god they didn't tell me to do a remix.

Overall, it was FUN. No seriosuly, it was. I regret nothing.

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